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Getting started with UE4 & Oculus

Honored Guest
Is there a document somewhere that describes this?

I've just installed UE4, and am getting ready to go through my first tutorials. I would like the result to be playable in the DK2 (scheduled to arrive Thursday). Is there any special steps I need to take while setting up the project? Is there a reference document somewhere that describes the technical aspects of what you need to do to make a project DK2 compatible?

Honored Guest
actually UE4 have DK2 support but if you install the 0.4.0 beta drivers you break that support, they are working to fix that.

there are a VR template for UE4 made by a user, don't known yet if work with DK2, check the epic forums.
there are more info about VR In the epic wiki.

I perhaps do one basic template when i got my rift . i need a basic template (if other not do that before). Perhaps i wait for 0.4.0Beta fix.

if you are newbie begin watching offical epic youtube tutorials. Watch tutorials must be your main objetive. its the best way to learn.

Honored Guest
Hi Knack,

Thanks for your response.

The big question is, if I start going through the tutorial now, will I be able to convert the stuff I create to something that can be used with DK2?

I realize that it will just be learning content (and therefore somewhat disposable), but I'd like to be creating VR stuff from the get go.

"perry" wrote:
Hi Knack,

Thanks for your response.

The big question is, if I start going through the tutorial now, will I be able to convert the stuff I create to something that can be used with DK2?

I realize that it will just be learning content (and therefore somewhat disposable), but I'd like to be creating VR stuff from the get go.

I'm sure you'll be able to. Updating projects between versions of UE4 has been extremely easy so far 🙂

Honored Guest
"perry" wrote:
Hi Knack,

Thanks for your response.

The big question is, if I start going through the tutorial now, will I be able to convert the stuff I create to something that can be used with DK2?

I realize that it will just be learning content (and therefore somewhat disposable), but I'd like to be creating VR stuff from the get go.

yes. all VR work go in the "Player Character" and "Player Controller", you only need to modify that or if you want use a "Vr template" migrate all to the new proyect.

what i can't respond because i have the same question and not have Dk1 its things like scale, lights and all this stuff. perhaps you going to need modify things for a VR enviroment.

Anyway if you begin fron zero, you have a long way with basic stuff. Took me 4 months full time learning UE4 and i missed things yet, and hours watching tutorials on youtube, there a lot of stuff (but now i known how a engine works and how to do lots of things), blueprint, inventorys, guns, animations, cloths and all that stuff.

and if you want create your custom objects,characters, animation, with quality you going to spend more time in Maya/Blender than UE4.

But try mixed work Maya/Blender and UE4s on begin its good see something working, Maya/Blend is sometimes bored 😛

And ins't easy on begin when you want do something without tutorial or any reference, mainly if you have lack of concepts, but then if you do not get discouraged and you begin understand how all works, UE4 or Maya its relatively easy.

Honored Guest
Thanks again for the response.

It's good news that all I have to modify is the player/camera controller.

That means that I should be able to modify some of the example projects DL'd from the marketplace and walk around them in the Rift. That's pretty cool.

I understand what you're saying about scale. Supposedly one unit in UE4 is equal to 1cm... I hope that works out to be true.

Honored Guest
i hope too my project its based in that, but not sure what i going to need to modify when i check it with my Dk2. On that and other things. I will see this week 🙂