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How can I block the camera with the colision capsule?

Honored Guest
I have tried to program the movement in different ways but I have not found the solution to align the camera with the collision capsule, if I manage to align the camera with the capsule, when it collides, the capsule is blocked but the camera continues foward.zu7qpcu9yvk8.jpg Could someone help me or guide me on how it could be done?
Thanks in advance.

I think you should create a collision preset and assign it to the object and its components. 

Honored Guest
Thank you very much for the answer.
I've already tried this, but when I do, the pawn comes off.
I didn't want to use the VRextension plug-in but in the end I opted for this option.
Although I wish I could solve this issue, I find this formula for performing the movement is much cleaner.