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Oculus online subsystem now throws an error instead of a warning when initializing platform

Honored Guest
In the Oculus Online Subsystem, attempting to initialize the Windows Platform without the Oculus sdk's installed results in a fatal error. This causes package builds to fail on machines that don't have the sdk installed. The fix is to either install the Oculus sdk's, which can cause problems on the build machines, or change the code to throw a warning instead, which is also not ideal. This was not the case previously, where a warning was thrown instead. Is there a reason to throw a fatal error here? 
The error is thrown on lines 300 and 326 in OnlineSubsystemOculus.cpp, as shown in the code below. Any information would be appreciated.   


UE_LOG_ONLINE(Error, TEXT("FOnlineSubsystemOculus::InitWithWindowsPlatform: ovr_PlatformInitializeWindows error: %d"), static_cast<int>(InitResult));​




I've run into the same issue.  I can't install the oculus software on our headless build machine, so I had to recompile the engine to make that line a warning instead of an error.  I've had to do that twice now, and I'm commenting here so that when I search for it a third time I can remind myself what I need to do.