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Soft Collision broken in Meta fork UE 5.4.1 and v66 MetaXR plugin



Since 2 weeks, I have a very annoying problem with soft occlusion.
I think that the hand removal system is interfering in a non desired way with the soft collision system:

  • I've opened the OcclusionSample with UE 5.4.1 Meta Fork - v66 MetaXR plugin as it is the last version available and v67 OS on Quest Headsets.
  • No collision and Hard collision seems to behave as planned.
  • When enabling soft collision, I have part of my meshes/sprites that are hidden in a weird way.
    If I move my hand in the bottom half of my passthrough fov, it behaves like my hand is masking the 3D object. I've managed doing so to have a sort of "masking shadow" the form of my hand masking the 3D object.
    Enabling or disabling the "remove hand" feature does have an impact but doesn't solve the weird masking issue.

How I put my hands:


An example of the result. In this one, my hand is about 1 m ahead of the HMD, I'm not masking directly the depth camera.
Plus, my hands is below the hidden sprite, so it should not be hidden at all.
