02-06-2018 05:34 AM
02-09-2018 05:52 AM
if (Sessions->GetResolvedConnectString(NAME_GameSession, ConnectString) && PlayerControllerWeakPtr.IsValid()){
UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Join session: traveling to %s"), *ConnectString); PlayerControllerWeakPtr->ClientTravel(ConnectString, TRAVEL_Absolute); OnSuccess.Broadcast(); return;
The UE_LOG at that point prints the "traveling to OCULUSID.oculus /game/Maps/WrongMap".02-09-2018 06:03 AM
// Client travel to the server
FString ConnectString;
if (Sessions->GetResolvedConnectString(NAME_GameSession, ConnectString) && PlayerControllerWeakPtr.IsValid())
UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Join session: traveling to %s"), *ConnectString);
PlayerControllerWeakPtr->ClientTravel(ConnectString, TRAVEL_Absolute);
The UE_LOG prints: 02-09-2018 07:23 AM
LogNet: Welcomed by server (Level: /Game/Maps/GamePlayMap, Game: /Script/Engine.GameMode)
LogLoad: LoadMap:
02-09-2018 11:05 AM
02-10-2018 01:55 AM
brian_jew said:
- pull Unreal Engine source code off of Oculus' github and build from source (https://github.com/Oculus-VR/UnrealEngine). This is also where Oculus will push the latest features/fixes for UE4
02-14-2018 05:13 AM
04-17-2018 05:52 AM
11-11-2018 04:52 PM
11-14-2018 06:23 AM