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Unreal widgets and Virtual Keyboard

Honored Guest

I'm currently having an issue in Unreal 5.2 with the virtual keyboard for the Meta Quest 3. Using an editable text box and selecting it will bring up the virtual keyboard. However upon closing the virtual keyboard all widgets lose any sort of interaction, buttons will not allow clicking and the text box cannot be selected again so the virtual keyboard will not appear again. 

Has anyone had any similar issues or know of any fixes for this issue?



Honored Guest

Same issue here using UE 5.3. Have you had any luck finding the solution?

Hey so it was a while ago but i think it was the enhanced input setup within unreal that was causing the issue. The finish click input action was not setup correctly. so the trigger was never becoming unclicked and wouldn't allow another input. 

Honored Guest

Thanks! Yes, the InputAction that triggered the click event had multiple mappings. It was mapped to the “Oculus Touch (R) A Press” and “Oculus Touch (R) Trigger” events, but it was also mapped to the keyboard “Enter” for development purposes. It turned out that confirming the input text on the software keyboard generated the “Enter” keyDown event, which was registered by the Unreal input system, but the keyUp event was not. As a result, the input system continuously triggered the input action when closing the software keyboard.
Removing the "Enter" input mapping solved the problem.