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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

4.11-OFR / spotlights?

I know that the 4.11-ofr is "use at own risk" but I've been using it and wondering if spotlights are supported? They are not working as expected.Thanks in advance,

blizzzz by Honored Guest
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Oculus Platform P2P Scope

Hi, There isn't much documentation as far as i know about the Oculus platform P2P part. My tests so far seem to all be ok to send some messages, but i am wondering what the target is for this part of the platform. More specifically, i would like to k...

Motion Controller fail for Multiplayer

Hello,I am trying to make my motion controller(hydra for now) work in a multiplayer setup but can't figure it out.If anyone has done this could you please tell me how to do it?See here for more details:https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthr ... lti-...

Fredrum by Expert Protege
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[Gear VR] 3D widget doesn't render correctly

I want to have 3D widget (UMG) near crosshair. I used the same technique I used for my fade screen plane - parented 3D widget to the camera and placed it right about at the same distance a my view fading plane. Here is my setup (3D widget is scaled u...

motorsep by Rising Star
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Access Oculus Home menu

Hi, this is probably a noob question but how does one call the Oculus Home menu to open from UE4? Can't seem to find any info on that...Thanks!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Making Animations in UE4 for Rift

Hey Guys,I come from an animation/vfx background and I'm really interested in creating some content for the rift. I use Maya and I have an animation I wanted to port over to VR but I will need to build it from scratch again as nothing exists behind t...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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[Gear VR] Unable to hit 60 fps

I have a basic scene (FPS template BP) in two vartiations - One with disabled rendering of the view weapon model and the rest is as-is and the same scene, but with all unlit materials and removed sky sphere (it looks all black).In both variants I get...

motorsep by Rising Star
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Getting back into some Unreal + VR

G'day,Been a while since I did much in VR using the Unreal Engine.With the release of UE4.11.x and more headsets, I'm getting back in.I've already made an experimental project that allows me to sync a humanoid mesh to the HMD position (roughly).Given...

Getting back into some Unreal + VR

G'day,Been a while since I did much in VR using the Unreal Engine.With the release of UE4.11.x and more headsets, I'm getting back in.I've already made an experimental project that allows me to sync a humanoid mesh to the HMD position (roughly).Given...

Dark parts have banding

Hey there,I have a serious issue with dark parts of my game (which are quite a lot in a deep sea underwater game  ).They look like gradients to black are banded... like a old 16bit image.I have googled a lot and found out about the limited RGB outpu...

Picster by Honored Guest
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UE4 not an ideal engine for VR... yet (1.3)

I'm currently head deep into a project in UE4, there is currently no way to rotate the view, so your view stays facing forward despite where you look, unless you are making a paralysis or vomit simulator you might want to stick with Unity for a few w...

Chaoss by Expert Protege
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Is timewarp working correctly in 4.8?

I just tried testing timewarp in both the 4.8 binary release from EPic along with Oculus's 4.7-06 branch and im not see'ingwhat i expect to see.In previous releases you could test timewarp by setting 'showflag.rendering' to 0.Like so,But with 4.8/ 4....

opamp by Protege
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Cant upload app to oculus store

HI, we cant upload our game to the oculus store. Our game is made with unreal 4 and is not a single executable, it has lots of files. I have tried to zip the game (6.3gb) but anything over 4gb wont zip. I packaged it in 7zip and rar but it wont take ...

UE4 4.10.4 + Oculus 1.3 deadlock (with fix)

I accidentally posted this in the support forum instead of developer, so I'm reposting it here.I integrated the 1.3 SDK changes from GitHub into our copy of UE4 and QA ran into a deadlock when pulling the HDMI cable. The issue is that in FOculusRiftH...
