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Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

Stuck in First Person view, ignoring Camera

Hello, I`m really new to UDK, but I have a problem.I wish to develop a game using a third person camera.I have the camera class working appropriately in the editor (where it does not show in stereoscopic 3d).When I select run on pc, and the game ente...

UDK - Cinematic Camera reversed?

Hi, I ve been building a demo using UDK and the oculus. All seem fine, the only problem is the orientation of the oculus at the start of the demo is reversed. I m basically looking in my back, so I have to physically turn 180 degres to be able to see...

superxcm by Honored Guest
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Scaleform menu in both eyes? How?

Hi,I'm testing out the Oculus with my project though my scaleform menus aren't duplicating on both eyes, instead its spawning 1 movie and stretching it across both eyes so things are out of focus right now, only closing 1 eye will allow me to have fo...

ZeJudge by Honored Guest
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Video import fails

Anyone else getting 'Import failed' for .biks in this release. I can't even get the Epic logo .bik to import. Tried installing on multiple machines, same result. Any ideas much appreciated.

mouse movement & the cursor

I discovered yesterday that there is a hidden mouse cursor that is causing the 20-30 degree delay before the mouse starts moving the view (you can see it by pressing F1). I want the mouse cursor to be disabled so that the mouse instantly moves the vi...

kamau00 by Explorer
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HUD Canvas.Drawtext doesn't do anything

I'm trying out some pretty basic stuff, and right now I'm trying to display some information on the screen.In my class that I extended from HUD, in the PostRender event, I'm trying to do this: Canvas.SetPos(100,100); Canvas.DrawText("Testing");But th...

blurred textures inside oculus rift

I have ran into a problem with the oculus rift & UDK.If I have a texture I intend to be a poster/instructions/etc, it is blurred/pixelated inside the rift. Not just a bit but horribly blurred. If I get within a "foot" and put my virtual face pretty m...

kamau00 by Explorer
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Stereo off with Hmd motion on?

Is there a way to have the Oculus head tracking on when stereo rendering is off?I've tried this (and several other things) in the console to no avail:stereo offmotion onWe are trying to capture some video footage of gameplay and would like to have th...

8bit by Protege
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Shadows in left eye, not in right?

Ok admittedly I have not read the Unreal integration manual, shame on me. I did a quick search for 'shadow' and found none.What I did was dive in with the Citadel, sure, awesome.Then I went into the FoliageMap in Showcases. Fly, then get over to the ...

DaveA by Honored Guest
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TeraIDE Beta now supports VR Development

HI All,About six weeks ago I started developing an IDE to help me work with UDK on my Rift Projects. The Open Beta is now up on Steam Greenlight! It has a lot of cool stuff such as class trees, Intellisense, step through debugger etc. But it also has...

TeraBit by Honored Guest
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Crosshair issue and Gun follow

I'm having an issue displaying the crosshair. After working with some custom HUD testing, my crosshair disappeared, any idea what is happening? :/. Speaking of which, how does the crosshair work with following the mouse like that? Is there a way to h...

PostRenderFor not working

Heey quick question, I was curious if there was a bug in the PostRenderFor function in the Oculus build for UDK. for some reason it does not work :(.class IronsightHUD extends UTGFxHudWrapper;var int healthAmount;var Vector ScreenPos;var float positi...

Oculus version of UDK | system requirements?

Hi Everyone!I've had my Rift for about 2 weeks now and I've had a blast testing out all of the games and demos that are currently available. Needless to say, I think that this is definitely going to switch things up (or at the very least provide an a...

PatrickVR by Honored Guest
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Hi all - My understanding is that this executive function is supposed to set whichever way the HMD is now facing as forward. #1 - is that right?#2 - I can't seem to get this function to do anything. Looking at the code from Playercontroller, this jus...

romo by Honored Guest
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Render Texture Problem with Debug mode

The problem I'm having is a render texture scope issue. for some reason in the editor it has no problemsbut when i go in debug mode in Visual Studio it does thisanyone know what is happening here??? I'm also using the Oculus Sept. 2013 version of UDK

Canvas stereo / convergence

Hi all - I'm playing around with canvas and trying to get some HUD elements to look right in the Rift. As a first cut, I'm just trying to get some text to appear and be legible in the middle of the screen. I must be missing something obvious in the O...

romo by Honored Guest
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Problem with UDK Emissive materials?

Hi all,I seem to have some problems with emissive materials on the Oculus Rift version of the UDK (UDK-2013-09 version).What ever I do, the emissive materials seems to "blow through" and all the extremely white parts of the image are considerable dar...

marcoboy by Honored Guest
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UDK question

I have the UDK installed. When I run a map using the "start in pc" the rift head mount controls work fine, but the graphics displayed are not side by side.I have my monitor configuration set to "duplicate" as that is the only way I can get TF2 and th...

dextius by Honored Guest
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Cannot find Rift UDK version in downloads?

So I was half way through my Game development in unity 4 when my rift arrived and was appalled to see that I was going to have to buy Unity to finish it (4 months Isn't long enough to finish a game). So after some thought I have decided to switch to ...

Scorch855 by Honored Guest
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Vector Displacement maps in udk (grass/foliage example)

Hey rifters/udk users.I am currently developing and indy (read solo) sandbox survival game that uses sixense and rift tech. Being that I now have the hydra controls about where I want them, I decided to start tackling some of the technical challenges...

krflol by Honored Guest
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Rift runtime detection

Hello,I just downloaded the September OUDK build and haven't had a chance to test runtime detection per build notes. Has anyone tested this? Basically I will need to do some input switching stuff based on wherever the Boolean for rift detection is re...

sporx by Adventurer
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Body Awareness and Immersion Issues

Hello ! I'm am new to UDK engine and just starting to work with all of it's features so please excuse some noob questions I'm trying to make FPP rift-explorable environment. Creating environment and testing it on oculus was very rewarding and lots o...

kuru by Honored Guest
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Fullscreen video

Hey! I'm trying to figure out, where and how could I hook with fullscreen video playback. Probably, the best way would be to playback bink video as movie texture, one video clip for left eye, one for right, using both existing oculus cameras? Or ther...

RyuMaster by Honored Guest
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Test Stereo3D without a Rift?

Hey VR Heads!I had a question for the Oculus team: is there a way to enable some of the Oculus integration (SBS 3d, distortion) without a Rift connected? With the version of UDK I was using, I would boot up what I was working on with RealD enabled. I...

Cymatic by Honored Guest
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