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MetaXR Plugin for Unreal Engine 5.2


Curious to know general ETA on plugin support for unreal engines 5.2?

Have been using 5.2 binary release for a bit, but i haven't seen any info in git or forums about MetaXR official support.  Have been using the 5.1 compatible plugin (v53) in the meantime with some minor tweaks so it compiles for UE5.2, but it's not a long-term solution.  

Any info would be helpful.  Thanks! 



Yes, please. UE5.2 seems much more stable than UE5.1 for VR develepment. We really need that timely support from Meta.

Honored Guest

Any insight regarding UE 5.2 support would be very helpful.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Honored Guest

In the mean time, if you can guide us on what minor tweaks are needed to be able to compile the plugin for ue5.2 it would be super helpful !



sure, when I used my IDE to compile the plugin, the only changes that were needed were some header declarations which were fixed just by cleaning the build and re-generating VS files, and then there was one line that didn't compile in OculusXRHMD.cpp.  Line: 1870 needs a new FVector2D conversion since Viewport.GetSizeXY() now returns a different type than the expected CachedWindowSize var. 


CachedWindowSize = (Window.IsValid()) ? Window->GetSizeInScreen() : Viewport.GetSizeXY();


CachedWindowSize = (Window.IsValid()) ? Window->GetSizeInScreen() : FVector2D(Viewport.GetSizeXY());

and everything compiled fine.

that being said, even though things were working ok after that, i did get what i assume to be memory leaks which I haven't addressed, but they were rare enough to keep working.  my experience in cpp isn't enough to troubleshoot what's going with those, but i'm wondering if it has to do with the performance gains in 5.2 for VR. 


Good to know! I've been stuck on the "Engine modules cannot be compiled at runtime. Please build through your IDE." loop trying to rebuild the solution from the IDE. Not sure why.

Honored Guest

there are offical supported versions for 5.2
MetaXR SDK V55

MetaXR Platfom v57

download them fromt he meta site and 
place them in
unreal engine install place 5.2 > engine > plugin > MarketPlace(Make if you dont have one) > put the plugins here