Sorry just bumping this..There are plenty of Unreal based Oculus games, and I'm sure quite a few indie so wondering what people use for starting, as Unity seems to have a good initial integration but the Unreal default VF setup seems to be very lacking. is there an oculus integration package or Unreal that Ive missed? or any 3rd party ones worth looking into
Looking for decent VR integration , and third person player controller.
Yeah Ive gone thru all that already..but Im just surprised that the Unity Oculus integration is way more advanced that he unreal one by default.
From the player controller, Hand/touch integration.
To get beyond the basic integration provided for unreal are people just building on from there or are there 3rd party alternatives that have become a favorite starting point for the unreal dev community here?
Besides the default vr project, unreal doesn't offer more packages. Its up to the devs themselves. There are a few plugins that have a lot of the basic and advanced vr functionality. Look on the unreal forum, vr section.