while playing AI with CV1 I'd also like to take screenshots, yet the oculusmirror.exe seems to be only working on the desktop, but not into the game, where, on the PC display, I can see the Stem overlay, but not the game: black screen
Hi mate, you just need to go into Oculus installation directory and run the debug tool and then it will mirror to your desktop anything you play inside your Rift.
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!
Hello, neither debug tool or mirror.exe are working > black screen, only Steam overlay
Oh right, in that case I'm not sure why that isn't working then mate. That method normally works.
The only other thing I can think of because your talking about Alien Isolation, I haven't set that game up yet for VR but I saw a youtube video tutorial where some guy explains how to set it up for VR. Maybe if you search youtube you can find that video and then perhaps he will explain during the tutorial how to get mirroring working.
Also hopefully someone else on these forums can help you with this issue.
UK: England - Leeds - - RTX 2080 - Rift CV1 & Rift S - Make love, not war - See you in the Oasis!