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Asgard's Wrath issues with a weapon not working as intended.

Honored Guest

I have been playing Asgard's Wrath recently and I upgraded the hero sword for the first character a while ago, but now that I have upgraded the hero axe and it told me of a weapon charging feature where the weapon goes "Ablaze" was their words if I'm correct, but I now have read that those same if not similar words are on the hero sword's description yet it does not do anything of the sort and there is not even a charging meter on the HUD, I hope I do not have to restart to make it work.

and to be specific on the order of things I upgraded the hero sword to tier 3 then later on the hero axe to tier 2.


Honored Guest

I was unaware that you could have multiple saves, so I went to another save and tested it all out and it appears it either does not catch on fire or catches on fire later, so I have either resolved my issue or I look like an idiot.

I've definitely had those moments in different games! 😅 It does sound like you got it all sorted out though. If you have any other trouble in game specifically, you can definitely post here for some community input, but I'd also suggest reaching out to the developer in those cases since they'll have some more insight!

Make sure you smash that Kudos button!