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Assetto Corsa (Dev Poll) : VR or Else Next for the best car racing game around ?

Assetto Corsa would like to assess interest for VR or other sim functionalities for their next update :

Honored Guest
Wasn't aware of the poll, voted! Put quite some hours into AC already hope this becomes a priority.

Heroic Explorer
I cannot think of why any Car racing game developer would NOT be looking at VR for its next title.

Bought a wheel for this game so it gets my vote.
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.

Not applicable

Lucky_D said:

I cannot think of why any Car racing game developer would NOT be looking at VR for its next title.

It seems a lot of the Anti-VR opinions are that it would be a "waste of time as only 1% of players would actually use VR anyway; it would also take away precious development from other game features or enhancements".

In most cases, these attitudes might change quickly if they actually tried VR for themselves instead of whining about how costly it is. 🙂

They already had DK2 support so I dunno why theyre dragging their heels like spoiled kids about just getting 1.3 implemented already. The guy making GZ3Doom got it working within a day, pretty sure a racing sim dev could do it pretty easily. This is the same genre that has people buying triple monitor setups, literally thousands on crazy expensive steering wheels, shifters, cockpits etc, a 750 quid screen that literally puts you in the car isn't much of a stretch for these people.
DK1 status: Delivered, DK2 status: Delivered Rigs: CPU: i5 2500k @4.8GHz GPU: R9 290 @1.1GHz RAM: 16GB OS: Windows 7 Pro x64 CPU: i7 4710MQ 3.3GHz GPU: 2x880M 8GB RAM: 8GB OS: Windows 7 Pro x64

Not applicable

Lagahan said:

They already had DK2 support so I dunno why theyre dragging their heels like spoiled kids about just getting 1.3 implemented already. The guy making GZ3Doom got it working within a day, pretty sure a racing sim dev could do it pretty easily. This is the same genre that has people buying triple monitor setups, literally thousands on crazy expensive steering wheels, shifters, cockpits etc, a 750 quid screen that literally puts you in the car isn't much of a stretch for these people.

There are a couple of reasons according to Kunos (per Stefano):
1) They are currently focused on the impending console version release (priority)
2) Proper VR support will require some deeply-rooted programing that is likely to cause serious problems & Stefano is the only programmer doing core code work on AC. AC was not designed for VR from the get-go and there are some major stumbling blocks in the game-engine that have to be re-worked.

Just the fact that they are asking for community input on this is encouraging in itself and does offer some hope that they may make VR a higher priority than recently suggested. 🙂

While it is encouraging that they're at least gauging the waters to see how wrong they were, the fact that they haven't bothered to update the VR code on their end since the Oculus 0.5 SDK days is what got them here in the first place. I realize that the new SDKs making previous versions incompatible must have been frustrating for developers. But we've all seen plenty who recognized it as a byproduct of progress and just kept plugging away at it. (Komat and ETS2 are basically the gold standard for this).

Conversely, Stefano and Kunos seemed to get offended by it and basically disregarded VR from 0.7 forward. So, rather than learning along with everybody else, they fell behind and probably are way less familiar with the new features than most developers. I get the reasoning behind that stance. But I still think it was foolish. Other developers have come along in that timespan and added support with little issue (NoLimits2, Subnautica, etc.) This SHOULD be something Kunos can do. They just have to care enough to do it.

In the meantime, Project CARS runs like a dream.

Not applicable
Yeah, I can kinda see both perspectives but, seeing as they are a very small team with a major project in the works in bringing the console version to market, it's understandable that they had to prioritize that. I got the impression that most of the team were not very impressed with VR to begin with.

 Now that VR is getting some attention, they may be seeing things a bit differently but, there is still a lot of resistance to VR within the Sim-racing community in general. In time, as more people are exposed to VR experiences now that things are working better, things should begin to improve within that community.


deanogur said:

Yeah, I can kinda see both perspectives but, seeing as they are a very small team with a major project in the works in bringing the console version to market, it's understandable that they had to prioritize that. I got the impression that most of the team were not very impressed with VR to begin with.

 Now that VR is getting some attention, they may be seeing things a bit differently but, there is still a lot of resistance to VR within the Sim-racing community in general. In time, as more people are exposed to VR experiences now that things are working better, things should begin to improve within that community.

Totally agree. Even when they initially added support, it felt like they were dragging their feet. I remember hearing something about the big launch event they had when AC came out of early access...that there were issues with the VR then. It's just odd how other developers have fully embraced it and seem to have a knack for it. Some have even gotten support added within days (and I doubt those are large teams either).

It might just be an example of getting out of something what you put into it. Hopefully Kunos comes around...because for me, any driving game without VR at this point just seems silly. Ask me what my interest in the new Need For Speed and Forza PC games is, haha. I'm honestly more excited delivering household goods to Walbert. 😄

I wonder how much of the difficulty is getting the game setup interface, etc working vs. the actual 3D in-car part.  I think having to put on the HMD when you "start" a race and take it off when you finish is a pain, but I'd rather them update the driving itself first then work on the setup interface after that's released.