Asunder: Earthbound is a short and dark cinematic adventure game set in a fictional 1930′s universe aboard a passenger airplane. Strange things occur as the story unfolds which require the player to act quickly if he wants to survive. The player needs to discover his place in the world, picking up clues in the environment and figuring out the best course of action based on his observations and in-game events.
Communicate with characters using natural head-gestures.
Use direction of gaze to procedurally control your virtual body.
Uniquely designed for VR, integrating Rift sensors and stereoscopic displays directly into gameplay.
Includes extra mini-scenes which feature some horrifying, humorous, relaxing & atmospheric experiences.
This short experience is a stand-alone game, gameplay time ranging from 20-45 minutes depending on your puzzle-solving skills. But this is also a tech-demo showcase; packed with new game mechanics for next generation virtual reality games.
The game is available for Mac OS X and Windows (compatible with regular monitors as well).
Support Continued Development Please know that our company is at a juncture where every single purchased copy of our game matters. Just as your support for Trial of the Rift Drifter helped make Asunder: Earthbound (thank you!), our continued success depends on the reception this time around.
We ask those who like Trial of the Rift Drifter and Asunder: Earthbound to support us in making more innovative games. Spread the word, connect with us on social sites.
The game mechanics and features you've seen demonstrated in this game will be taken to the next level as we continue to develop at Aldin Dynamics. There are some exciting times up ahead!
Hope you enjoy the game! - Hrafn & Gunnar @AldinDynamics
The truth is, I bought your game to support you when you reduced it to $3, but I have never played it. I was waiting to get the DK2 so the experience was better 😛
I bought the game. Started playing the first scene, the one where I am in a plane. Felt that it was amazing, but that the resolution did not give it justice. So I decided to wait until a better version of oculus rift was released. Now I am here, with the DK2 strapped on my head, waiting 🙂
It's supported up to 0.6SDK on the DK2 I think, very neat episodic experience, very unique as the different scenes place you directly within the driven story, a film-like experience. It's great that you can select each scene again, many extras also, it's like a dozen Demos in one.