12-17-2017 06:38 AM
08-15-2018 12:39 PM
08-16-2018 01:57 PM
kojack said:
Ok, new release time! v0.1.4 is out.
08-17-2018 02:00 AM
08-17-2018 03:11 AM
08-17-2018 06:24 AM
LuluViBritannia said:
Wait, whaaaaat? Can we really use the Touch without the Rift? At least the headset must be plugged in, right?
Also, does this mean we could use the Touch controllers instead of a XBox controller to play normal games? That would be awesome! I love Xbox controllers, but the Touch are definitely the best!
Is there a place where people share their scripts using AutoOculusTouch?
Thank you, this script seems amazing!
08-18-2018 02:23 AM
08-18-2018 03:55 AM
08-19-2018 03:20 PM
LuluViBritannia said:
@kojackIt actually works without even wearing the rift. No VR needed, Touch and remote become accessible in 2D apps.
Also, does this mean we could use the Touch controllers instead of a XBox controller to play normal games? That would be awesome! I love Xbox controllers, but the Touch are definitely the best!
08-22-2018 08:11 AM
Martel said:
Works great now with the new scripts for AutoHotKey
08-27-2018 09:30 AM