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Beat Saber - Community Rankings!

If anyone is interesting in participating in Community Rankings (strictly for bragging rights) then post screenshots of your best Beat Saber scores here!

If you're looking for friends to compete with directly, then add anyone from this thread, or check out the community Friends Megathread:

Game on!

482 REPLIES 482

I'm not that active on discord, but I'm down to jump in if you don't mind.

Slight chance I may have went a smidge further back to the previous older challenges I may have done this as well. 


And zen you kinda interested me on the 90s so I'll just gently place this here.


Got that one on my 2nd try as well so I had enough steam to finish off a Camilla song on expert (I can only actually finish like 3 or 4 of them on expert without it being on nofail, like it does on multiplayer), tho those tbh are bat-**bleep** crazy, it felt weird to take off the headset without sweating my ass off lol.


Gaaarh...  I type in a "lengthy" response, and click REPLY. Then I get prompted for login, and once I passed that, my post is vanished. 

POS software...


Anywho - my point was - I really thought the Quest/Rift leaderboards were unified.. but they aren't 😞

I'm actually 10th on Fitbeat hard 90 in the Rift leaderboards - but on Quest that score is prolly only around 100th place.

Ugh, that's happened to me twice lol, so irritating.


Naw it's not that high, I would say it's in-between 60-65 since my score was only 2k higher and I'm at like 50. I would say the reason is probably that quest and quest 2 more than likely share leaderboards (though I wish they did share with rift or at least list in game to compare), and the sheer saturation of more people on mobilevr makes sense that pcvr leaderboards are a bit less demanding. Don't think less of your score, you still kicked some serious ass lol.


I was about to try and jump in with you since I saw you in game, using vrdesktop to stream to the quest and play some pcvr saber maybe multiplayer, but apparently it doesn't count cross platform, so I'd have to drop another 30 bucks to even try. 😢


I gave the "Fit Beat" expert 90 and 360 a spin, and quickly concluded that my thighs weren't really ready for crouchy VR gaming lol. I think I got 340k on 360, which is far away from your score, but I DID miss a **bleep**ton of blocks, so who knows... maybe one day! 🙂
If we're to compete on some regular non-custom songs, I really dig the first three songs on OST vol 4 (The Camellia one gives me ear cancer). 
Can you load custom songs onto Quest so we can compete on scoresaber?

Fair enough lol.


And yeah there's only 3 Camilla songs I can stand: Crystalized, Cycle hit, and What the cat?! Though tbh they def feel like expert+ when just on expert, also the first two listed have moments where I don't even know how I do it. Best way I can describe it is a quote from Big Trouble in Little China, "I only drive as fast as I can see, after that it's all in the reflexes." Tho I turn down the sound a bit as I'm not big on dubstep stuff. 


The first three of OST 4 are fun as hell tho, but I've played them so much on multiplayer that I'd probably have to use modifiers to beat my own scores lol. So I'll post what I have now. I don't think any mods were used on these yet.


And yeah, I'll look into loading up custom songs so we can use scoresaber. I've been wanting to do it to play some of my fav irl songs, but it always looks like a hassle so I haven't yet. On top of the fact that new updates break them and such.





Dude, I think you're gonna have to look elsewhere for proper competition unless @Zenbane pulls a surprise attack. Or maybe @KeenChop is still around?

Dayum, I was worried I've been playing too much that I might scare y'all off 😧 Though I figured I constantly dance around while playing enough to kinda offset it.


I mean to be fair most of these song I've overplayed since I haven't touched custom stuff at all, so I no doubt have more practice on them. I remember you whooping my butt on space pirate stuff tho, I know you can beat some of these scores.


But I can't ask for you to throw in more sweat, time, and frustration or anything.


Unless @KeenChop or pyroth309 or maybe litespeed (can't tag them for some reason) are willing to give it a shot taking me down, I'll let the thread die again.


I guess I just kinda missed out, when this thread was active I didn't even have a working headset lol. Oh well, I guess I always have multiplayer mode, though I feel the social aspect is hamstringed by the lack of voice chat. The strumming guitar and drumming gestures are def played out by now lol. I'll get over it lol.


I appreciate the effort you've put in regardless. 🙂


Omg this **bleep** forum just nuked my reply AGAIN.
Short - get custom songs working, and I got a couple of decent challenges for you methinks.
You mentioned SPT - do try and beat my HARDCORE SPT highscore of 137k 😉


Fair enough lol, I'll try and get it set up by tonight.


And I think I may have to make some more room before trying SPT. As last time I tried I ended up breaking something and putting a small crack in my left touch controller. It has a small rattle now but thankfully still works ok even in beat saber hard swings. Which I gotta think they did upgrade them from the rift, because I never had the tracking issues (or weak springs making them resync) y'all had earlier in this thread.
