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Beat saber thetherd vs unthetherd

Honored Guest
I want to buy beat saber since everyone seems to like it a lot.
However, it is cheaper on steam where I live compared to the oculus quest store.
Are there a lot of benefits from having the game on the quest itself, rather than playing it on steam using link?

at lower difficulty hard and below you might be alright because of latency, but above that your better off playing it natively.

I own BeatSaber on the headset. I've done some research and while I would say running it on the headset is probably the preferred way to do it, there are advantages to running it on the PC - specifically, the ability to mod the game is easier and safer on the PC. If you're not interested in modding though, just spring for the headset version.

Honored Guest


at lower difficulty hard and below you might be alright because of latency, but above that your better off playing it natively.

might wait for a sale then, 30bucks is a lot imo and I was thinking the same, tracking might not keep up very well

I own BeatSaber on the headset. I've done some research and while I would say running it on the headset is probably the preferred way to do it, there are advantages to running it on the PC - specifically, the ability to mod the game is easier and safer on the PC. If you're not interested in modding though, just spring for the headset version.

You can custom songs when running it natively I assume
not really looking into modding but I do want custom songs

Expert Protege
Beat Saber is a game where you are standing up and it's important to be mobile.  Personally I would buy it on the Quest--easier to launch quickly and much better not to be tethered, for me. 


narvaki said:
You can custom songs when running it natively I assume
not really looking into modding but I do want custom songs

Well to run custom songs technically you do need to mod, but that's different than installing mods that change the fundamental gameplay. Anyway, if you mod it on the Q2 there's a very stern warning that basically implies you could get banned for running modded software. Considering how Facebook is throwing around the banhammer, I decided that it's not worth the risk. Running mods on the PC is supposedly safer because the software isn't on the Q2 itself, and therefore not under the control of FB. This is just what I've read, not independently confirmed.