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Bring Back GrooVR Visualizer... Please!!!

Honored Guest

After years of using GearVR, I finally took the plunge and bought a Quest 3.  Needless to say, a HUGE improvement.  However, one thing is missing... a really good music visualizer that you can chill out to and listen to your own music. 

I used GrooVR on the GearVR, and thought it was amazing.  For those that don't know, the app had amazing visuals,  and you could use your own music, whether it be files or sites like Spotify.  Even though I know the company that created it shuttered in 2017, I was hoping there would be something in the Meta store to take its place.  I was highly disappointed to find that, after all these years, there is absolutely NOTHING comparable to GrooVR in the Meta Store.  I found some meditation apps, but this is not what I'm looking for.  And I have no desire to use a subscription service to chill out to my own music.  

So, that being said, and if anyone is listening, please, please find a way to resurrect GrooVR visualizer.  If not possible, maybe there is a developer out there that can look at the app on YouTube and create something similar.  I'm sure there is a whole community out there that would gladly drop some hard earned cash for this app.