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Connection Error Frustration and Gold Cap

Not applicable
I have been receiving a connection error much more frequently of late (Code 905 i think?)  But what's really frustrating, is that when the Network Connection Error occurs you lose rank and it halts any win streak bonus... I lost connection 5 or 6 times yesterday and lost almost 2 full ranks... it's very frustrating.  

Also, i'm not a fan of the daily gold cap. Why limit what one can acquire? It's not going to drive people to spend more money, just to play less.

Heroic Explorer
Network connection issues are a top priority that we are aggressively working to resolve.

You may have also heard this weekend that there were sustained DDoS
attacks to the DNS. While Dragon Front was not the target, our servers
along with the servers of many other prominent websites were affected.
This is not the sole cause of the network issues (905, 906, 915 errors),
but it certainly exacerbated the issues.

As for the gold cap, we have a balance fix planned in an upcoming
update. We will not eliminate the cap, though. It's not a monetization
tactic, it's mercy. We're trying to prevent player burnout. Ask @hazior how Sunday feels after Dragon Fronting for 10 hours on Saturday 😛

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