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[Demo] Black Island, horror game

Honored Guest
Hi guys,

We’ve been working on a game for the Oculus Rift for about half a year now, and decided that it’s time to give other people a look at it. The name of the game is “Black Island” and it’s basically a horror game, set on a tropical island. You have to solve riddles and evade enemies to be able to escape from the place. (about the game)

We want to give you an early demo of our game to play and maybe get some feedback. In the demo, you can explore a small part of the island, in which there’s a small part of our gameplay already implemented. This is not the final gameplay, and also pretty rough. But it’s a good first impression. The main focus of the demo is about playing with the Oculus, but you can also play it without the headset.

So, here’s the download link on Skydrive:
As Skydrive seems quite slow, and they disabled the Dropbox link due to heavy traffic, here's a torrent of the demo:
We're seeding it, but if some more people could seed, that'd be awesome! We didn't expect quite so many downloads. 🙂

At the moment it’s Windows only. Playable with Mouse&Keyboard or Xbox Controller. Oculus Rift optional.

Short help:
Explore, take your time. Don’t get caught by the evil beings.
If you don’t play on Oculus, turn it off in the Menu.
You can adjust brightness in the menu to fit your screen.
Have fun!

A little info about us: We’re a 3 people team (2/3 female) from Switzerland, who’ve been working on the game in our free time for about half a year. (team info!)

We hope you have fun playing! 🙂
The wotokah Team

"Dasher" wrote:
This was a great demo! I made a video of it:

If you don't have enough time (or no Oculus) to play the game, Dasher made a pretty cool Playthrough video! It's totally worth a look! 🙂

"jasonatokc" wrote:
How do you activate the alter and pick red berries?

Press "Y" on the Xbox Controller, or left click when the object is in the center of the screen. You're right, it certainly needs more help with these things in the finished version! 🙂


Honored Guest
Good job on the work so far. Just by the look of the environment, I felt like I was in the jungle/beach. It's nice looking straight up and seeing how high the trees are. I think you got the lightning correct so far too. It's semi-dark but not too dark. The lighter kind of helps but I didn't use it much except for reading the journal and looking at objects such as the shack door/locks and rocks. So overall, it was a good demo. Here are some specific notes:

- I was playing with the Xbox controller and I'm from the US. Not sure if it's a non-US thing but usually games have "Run" tied to anything but the right trigger. I'm used to it being clicking down on the left thumbstick (e.g. Halo).
- The menu(s) should be controllable with the gamepad.
- The notebook could use some UX elements like page numbers or arrows/start/end icons.
- I could submerge the lighter all the way into the water and walk through the waterfall. Might want to either create some invisible walls to block the player from entering too far. OR have the lighter turn off when it touches water.
- As someone above previously said, some of the objects look bigger than normal. The barrels near the shacks look HUGE! Probably weigh 300 pounds each without anything in them. Also, the locks on the doors look big too when I get up close to them.
- I can't read some of the text on the right hand pages of the notebook due to the lighter being in the way when turned on.
- Optimize if possible. My PC isn't a beast but it's probably in the mid-tier range of gamer PC's. I saw some stuttering when I turned my head quickly. Maybe a texture loading issue. Or maybe you can adjust the draw distance of the player camera (occlusion).

Thanks for letting us play your work so far. Keep it up! 😄

Not applicable

Honored Guest
That was pretty good. I actually felt a little shock of fear the first time Jack Skellington walked towards me out of the brush.

Honored Guest
It would be awesome if you could post a Mac build as well. Keep up the great work! 😄

Honored Guest
"JOHIsaac" wrote:
"drash" wrote:
Your SkyDrive link seems to ask me to log in? Is there another way?

+ No way to download it without an account?

I posted a link to download it from Dropbox. 🙂

Honored Guest
"Jefreestyles" wrote:
Thanks for letting us play your work so far. Keep it up! 😄

We're still not happy with the way the lighter an journal work. They feel strange in scale and behaviour. But we're changing everything pretty much daily to try out new stuff.

And, thank you for your feedback! You're right, the game is far from being optimized, and as a result some strange things might still happen. That's why we uploaded it for everyone to test. ^_^ Every feedback is awesome!

Honored Guest
"jareiko" wrote:
It would be awesome if you could post a Mac build as well. Keep up the great work! 😄

Working on it!

Honored Guest
Dropboxlink: Error (509)
This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

SkydrivelinK: 25-30 KB/s :shock: 6,5h till full zip :cry:

Maybe package it in a torrent so we can just share between each other? Getting the error with the Dropbox link as well.

Honored Guest
"Enthusiast" wrote:
Dropboxlink: Error (509)
This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

SkydrivelinK: 25-30 KB/s :shock: 6,5h till full zip :cry:

We're sorry for the situation - we didn't quite expect to get that many downloads 🙂

I've uploaded the demo to my portfolio webspace:

If anyone would like to start a torrent, please post the link here - we'd be happy to help seeding.