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[Demo] Black Island, horror game

Honored Guest
Hi guys,

We’ve been working on a game for the Oculus Rift for about half a year now, and decided that it’s time to give other people a look at it. The name of the game is “Black Island” and it’s basically a horror game, set on a tropical island. You have to solve riddles and evade enemies to be able to escape from the place. (about the game)

We want to give you an early demo of our game to play and maybe get some feedback. In the demo, you can explore a small part of the island, in which there’s a small part of our gameplay already implemented. This is not the final gameplay, and also pretty rough. But it’s a good first impression. The main focus of the demo is about playing with the Oculus, but you can also play it without the headset.

So, here’s the download link on Skydrive:
As Skydrive seems quite slow, and they disabled the Dropbox link due to heavy traffic, here's a torrent of the demo:
We're seeding it, but if some more people could seed, that'd be awesome! We didn't expect quite so many downloads. 🙂

At the moment it’s Windows only. Playable with Mouse&Keyboard or Xbox Controller. Oculus Rift optional.

Short help:
Explore, take your time. Don’t get caught by the evil beings.
If you don’t play on Oculus, turn it off in the Menu.
You can adjust brightness in the menu to fit your screen.
Have fun!

A little info about us: We’re a 3 people team (2/3 female) from Switzerland, who’ve been working on the game in our free time for about half a year. (team info!)

We hope you have fun playing! 🙂
The wotokah Team

"Dasher" wrote:
This was a great demo! I made a video of it:

If you don't have enough time (or no Oculus) to play the game, Dasher made a pretty cool Playthrough video! It's totally worth a look! 🙂

"jasonatokc" wrote:
How do you activate the alter and pick red berries?

Press "Y" on the Xbox Controller, or left click when the object is in the center of the screen. You're right, it certainly needs more help with these things in the finished version! 🙂


Thank you Catatonic, finally a working link 🙂
Vector Reboot Studio

Honored Guest
"stevecastaneda" wrote:
Maybe package it in a torrent so we can just share between each other? Getting the error with the Dropbox link as well.

There you go:

Not applicable
This was a great demo! I made a video of it:

My thoughts on the experience:

I wish the berries were much more spaced out, I kind of lucked out and beat it in less than a minute.
The monster sounds and designs were terrifying... 😄
When I ran out and saw the first enemy the panic started immediately. It's funny how intense it gets when you use the Rift.

Great experience overall to be honest! I replayed it after the video as well and even though I then knew what was coming, it was still scary (which is a good sign for a horror game). I'll be buying this for sure when it comes! Thanks so much for providing this alpha demo.

Honored Guest
"Dasher" wrote:
This was a great demo! I made a video of it:

I'm quite amazed by the video you made. Seeing someone actually playing the game (without any of our guidance) is an experience on a totally different level than "just" reading a comment. Thank you so much! 😄

Also: I was quite impressed by how fast you found the berries... I take at least one minute to find enough, even though I've played it countless times.

I hope you're okay with us sharing your video! Thank you again! :))

Not applicable
"Kaorin" wrote:
"Dasher" wrote:
This was a great demo! I made a video of it:

I'm quite amazed by the video you made. Seeing someone actually playing the game (without any of our guidance) is an experience on a totally different level than "just" reading a comment. Thank you so much! 😄

Also: I was quite impressed by how fast you found the berries... I take at least one minute to find enough, even though I've played it countless times.

I hope you're okay with us sharing your video! Thank you again! :))

I'm happy you liked it! 🙂 And yes, you can share it, I'm just happy if it brings attention to your game!

About the berries, indeed I was also surprised. On the second run it took me much longer but then I also broke into more of a panic as I ran around blindly through the jungle. xD I should've recorded that too.