06-05-2013 11:21 PM
08-19-2013 02:02 AM
"geekmaster" wrote:
Hmm... The latest version blows up ("Deskope has stopped working") as soon as it draws the startup window, in win8 x64.
I deleted the registry key as suggested in the first post. I also tried Win7 compatibility mode, and "Run as administrator", but same problem in both cases. I ran the compatibility troubleshooter, then ran Deskope with recommended settings, and it still aborts after drawing the startup screen.
I also tried running in XP compatibility mode, but then I get a "Failed to create Direct3D device" error at startup.
One thing I did notice is that sometimes it draws the "Window Finder" icon before aborting, and sometimes that icon is missing.
Previous versions of Deskope worked on my computer. Any suggestions of what else to try?
EDIT: Hmm... I just shut down any firewall and anti-spyware apps in my tool tray and tried again. Now it blew after drawing only the "Rift" a "Roft (no roll)" radio buttons, and the rest of the startup window was empty. I ran it again after clicking the "Close program" button on the error popup, and this time it drew the full window including the "Window Finder" icon. It seems inconsistent as to where and when it blows up during startup initialization. Do you have a version that logs how far it gets before aborting?
08-19-2013 04:35 AM
08-20-2013 08:49 AM
"XeviaN" wrote:
Just tested on a i7, Windows 8 64 bit, Ati Radeon 5870. PERFECT!!
Now i want the Rift HD
"HappyHimitsu" wrote:
Great program except I am running it on an FX-8350@4.5ghz and a GTX 5803gb and it is too slow to be usable?
Am I just doing something wrong or does this really need a beast of a machine? (i7?)
"zady" wrote:
I`m getting a "Failed to create direct3d device"at startup too..
"coconuthero" wrote:
Update to my previous post: mouse pointer still works on black screen.
"coconuthero" wrote:
And the message that deskope stopped working comes only when I hit ESC or ENTER.
08-21-2013 11:34 AM
"AngelJ" wrote:
Are you on Windows 8? Performance on 8 can be pretty bad in desktop mode because desktop composition can't be turned off. You shouldn't need beastly hardware. Even if you're on 8 you should be able to get good performance in single window mode.
08-21-2013 11:52 AM
"HappyHimitsu" wrote:
Does that mean that desktop mode will always have poor performance, or is there a way around that?
I Love the program but I can't really see too much use for it in single window mode as that seems pretty limiting.
08-22-2013 11:00 AM
08-22-2013 11:03 AM
08-22-2013 11:12 AM
"PBartolovic" wrote:
Sounds like you may have old registry entries and mouse emulation on
08-22-2013 11:14 AM
08-22-2013 11:22 AM