So I watched the trailer , bought the game and got ready hit my rocket blasters and shoot some stuff. But Alas My ship remained grounded while my head was smashed into a wall on complex tutorials to get started. The more tutorials I watched the more I realized this game is absurdly complex. There is like zero casual gameplay! Sure some people might have time for that but I dont. Its like training for a new career in space travel and trade and not getting paid in real money. LOL
The trailer shows scene after scene of ships flying around other cool looking ships/stations, where in reality after looking at those few tutorials it looks like you will have to spend 90% of your time in the UI (fallout pipboy anyone? same issue) of the galaxy and systems map , checking trades and factions and everything else. Making things worse for that matter is that of all things text is the weakest rendered graphics in oculus.
Ok I did fly the craft once on the first tutorial .. the ships speed is well .. um.. boring. Sure I understand they want the concept of really big scale ans yes maybe that is more true to life .. but life can be very boring at times. Whats the point of recreating boredom..
So what is your experience here..? Why is everyone else having such a ball playing this .. what am I missing?
I probably never really played a space game before (apart from the n64 star fox games), last week when i played Eve Valkrie, i was quite amazed by it. It was like being in a star wars film, i quite enjoyed it but then realised it was mainly a online multiplayer game. Even then i still immensely enjoyed the game in VR.
I was looking for something similar but maybe with a better mission structure, quests etc.. is Elite Dangerous such a game? I have no idea if i will enjoy it or not? If i like EV how likely am i to like ED? or is there something else i should look for instead.
In EV i absolutely love shooting in one direction and looking around out the cockpit windows using my head like you would in real life, makes you feel totally bad ass!
@Gamedev tough one to call... I love it myself, and it does have missions and an over arching story however it is not really a story lead game... you are very much a tiny cog in the machine.
I am reticent to reccomend blindly to people even though it has been my GOTY for 2014 and 2015. its an acquired taste and you have to ignore the trailers somewhat.
For every thing FD got "right" in ED, there is something which seems obvious which is either currently missing, or incomplete and this is even more apparent if you look at the Design Decision Forum which listed all the "stuff" planned for the game back in the early days. There is a goldmine of stuff there begging to go into the game
But they stuff they do get right is so so good imo, the "bones" of the game are sound, and on top of that their VR implementation is as good as any out there. Some may say the game is worth it just for the VR eyecandy alone.
Not much help i know, sorry, but on the plus side there are mountains of youtube videos about the game inc in game content so suggest you check out.
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂
maybe i will continue to play eve valkyrie until i get bored of it and then switch over to elite dangerous after that, even if there is no story i am still happy just to ride around in space for the vr eye candy and do some tasks/missions etc... Is the VR eye candy very similar, better or worse then Eve?