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Elite Dangerous: Friends Lists, Favorite Loadouts, etc.

Consider this the thread to invite fellow Elite Dangerous players to join your friendslists, on Oculus Home or Steam (to keep track of when people on either platform are playing), and of course within the game itself.

My screenname is the same on all three as it is here. You're all welcome to add me. :wink:

If I'm online and in the general vicinity of your system, I'll probably be willing to wing up if I'm not already working on specific plans.

Currently I'm running a Viper mk4, and I don't expect that to change any time soon. Really love that ship. I never install a shield on it; I just keep the armor reinforced and the heat output low so I can go in and out of Silent Running with no penalty; basically I use it as a 300 ton stealth fighter.

My most common weapon loadout is two medium burst lasers, fixed (modded for efficiency. Plan to get the Kinetic upgrade on 'em) and two small cannons, gimballed. (modded for short-range blaster. Trying to get either Force or High Yield upgrade on them).

I've also been experimenting with two small gimballed pulse lasers (modded for Focus, IE 5k+ range and boosted armor penetration,  one of them can scramble modules randomly)  and two medium fixed multicannons (rapid fire).    Seems to be a pretty effective set-up.

When I do acquire another ship, it'll probably be a Transport or Explorer of some sort.  Something I can either jump really far in or carry a lot of cargo, or both, especially if I can outfit it as a more effective mining vessel than I can my Viper.
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.
859 REPLIES 859

Heroic Explorer
just outta interest does anyone know if voice attack comes as a download or on a CD ? co I`ve just purchased it but there doesn't seem to be a way of downloading it directly ? or am I being stupid....again

Just download  from here then after install enter the serial number you will have got in an email when you purchased it, just open voice attack and look for registration should be a place to enter the number

It's a download..  I believe from memory you download the trial version from their site then activate with the key they email to you.

If you didn't get a key, check your junk mail etc.  There's a key retrieval link on their website if you still can't find it.

For Voiceattack, do remember you still need a voicepack unless you plan on making your own.


msm903 said:

For Voiceattack, do remember you still need a voicepack unless you plan on making your own.

A voice pack is not necessary. Almost all commands will trigger a visual cue that will show you that it was understood. I found the voice pack to be very verbose.

For actions where you need/want to trigger a voice response, you can use the 'Say' command, which will use the text to speech engine to say whatever you want.
The voice is too dull? Put 2 'Say' commands with the same text, with a 0.3 pause between them, and you have a more sci-fi voice.

Creating a full VoiceAttack profile for Elite is quite an undertaking though, so a VoicePack is a good shortcut.

That voice-command stuff sounds really cool.. very sci-fi.. but as someone with little privacy in my VR room (which is also my bedroom and the apartment living-room, lol) I get too self-conscious about VR apps that involve talking to myself. :cold_sweat:

It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.

Rising Star
I just got VA the other day. I was wondering, I'm not really too keen on the idea of a voice pack as the snippets I've heard of many of them, well they're just too much. Are there any default VA setups for ED that don't involve the voice packs that you can download?

I haven't actually fired up VA to check yet if there's any sort of pre configured controls for various games yet.

~cough~ A friend of mine is also interested ... I was thinking Cutter for MLF, speed and loadout capabilities, but it's one hell of a grind.


I just got VA the other day. I was wondering, I'm not really too keen on the idea of a voice pack as the snippets I've heard of many of them, well they're just too much. Are there any default VA setups for ED that don't involve the voice packs that you can download?

I haven't actually fired up VA to check yet if there's any sort of pre configured controls for various games yet.

I could export my profile somewhere... Any idea where I could put those files?

Rising Star

Roming22 said:

I just got VA the other day. I was wondering, I'm not really too keen on the idea of a voice pack as the snippets I've heard of many of them, well they're just too much. Are there any default VA setups for ED that don't involve the voice packs that you can download?

I haven't actually fired up VA to check yet if there's any sort of pre configured controls for various games yet.

I could export my profile somewhere... Any idea where I could put those files?

Have you got Dropbox? If so you can just create a folder in there for it and link it or I think even just do a link for that one file.