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Elite Dangerous - VR

Hey all,

I have a cheap Thurstmaster HOTAS and bought Elite Dangerous. I completed most of the training missions and I am good enough at flying now to start the game, only I have run into a few problems:

No explanation of what the hell I am doing - LOL. I just bought a game I could use with my HOTAS and read this was good. I like it, but not sure exactly what I am doing. Had a look at some guides and it seems you travel to other systems, doing missions, earning money and upgrading your ship.

Button Binding - This game seems to have a lot of depth and menus. If using a HOTAS, do you need to also use another control system, like keyboard and mouse? It seems there are loads of buttons to be binded and the HOTAS I have just won't cut it.

If you do need to use a keyboard, then how much of a pain is it removing your headset all of the time to get into certain menu's or am I being stupid and missing something here (likely)?

I have CH Products HOTAS and can map literally everything to them including Galaxy Map functionality.  Due to the fact you can open menus by looking at them saves you some keystrokes.  And you can re-use controls you use for piloting the craft to control your Galaxy Map which comes in handy.

As far as what there is to do in the game, you can go many routes.  You can look at the bulletin boards in space stations to get missions, you can get gear on your ship to mine and make money mining asteroids, you can bounty hunt by getting a basic scanner and frame drive interdictor to take criminals out of hyper speed, you can figure out shipping routes and make money transporting goods, and all that usually keeps me busy.
i7 5960X @ 3.8 GHz | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 PC2800 | GTX Titan X Pascal | Win 10 64 bit | Asus ROG PG348Q | EVGA X99 Classified

This is the one I have:

When I look at the menus, I can flick through them using that little stick on the controller, but don't seem to be able to get to the next screens menus if that makes sense? There are some additional tabs and I don't know how to access them.

Heroic Explorer
I am relatively new to elite as well, it just takes time and Internet searches and you will get it down. Stick with it, it gets better after awhile. The first time some a$$hole who has more experience and a better ship tries to pirate you and you blow the crap out of them is one of the best experiences I have ever had in a video game.

Oh, dang.  Looks like they have premapped everything and ran out of buttons on that one.  I would maybe change a couple of the bindings to the ones that control tabbing though the menus.  Toggle head look would be a great one to replace.
i7 5960X @ 3.8 GHz | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 PC2800 | GTX Titan X Pascal | Win 10 64 bit | Asus ROG PG348Q | EVGA X99 Classified


Yeah, it looks like there is so much to do. I wanted something like War Thunder to test first, but read you have to do some sort of hack for it to work with the Vive?


Yeah, I'll have to look into it and change some of the buttons I guess!

If you run out of buttons on your HOTAS, try speaking to your ship ( Finally someone obeys my commands. 🙂

Expert Trustee
If you haven't already seen them, there are some really good YouTube videos to help you get started in the game.  I particularly liked the videos by ObsidianAnt, but a quick search will turn up quite a few tutorials.  Spend an hour or two watching a tutorial and the game becomes way more engaging.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C Clarke

Expert Protege
I've got most if not all of my controls bound to my thrustmaster, you should be able to get nearly all of the core controls on the sticks.

The problem is, ED just isn't that great, with the god rays being an issue, and the detail on the space stations etc still looking a mess as the resolution isn't high enough, it really is to me a very mediocre experience in the Rift.

It's disappointing to me, but I much prefer the arcade style fast paced action of Eve, they seem to have got the murky visuals spot on for the rift too - it looks pretty good.

Expert Trustee
It always amazes me how two people can have such different experiences with the same game.  @steveoz32 has a mediocre experience with ED while I think it's probably one of my top gaming experiences.  I routinely forget I'm not actually sitting in a mock cockpit.  To each his own I suppose.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C Clarke