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Elite Dangerous controls. Touch, gamepad or HOTAS?

I'm interested in seeing what everyone else out there is currently using. I just started playing Elite Dangerous, and opted to play using the Touch controllers instead of my Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X. It was a little rough at first, but I actually kind of like it now although the flight controls are going to take me some time to master.

What's the general consensus here? Does anyone else use the touch controls or are most of you using HOTAS-style stick and throttles, or even XB1 gamepads? Does using any one over the other put you at a disadvantage in regard to either general gameplay or PVP interaction?

Last night I spent a good 40 minutes configuring the HCS voice pack and my HOTAS controls, and I have to say that this appears to be a winning combination for me in VR. I have essential controls on the throttle and stick, and most of the rest is automated via voice controls. This definitely sets a high bar for both immersion and ease of use!

Another question for everyone: How do you control the galaxy and system map in VR? I've read a good deal on this problem, but found no definitive answers. One of the better suggestions I've found is to use the Xbox controller for the galaxy map, but what do all of you prefer for these two functions?


Jonfl1 said:

Another question for everyone: How do you control the galaxy and system map in VR? I've read a good deal on this problem, but found no definitive answers. One of the better suggestions I've found is to use the Xbox controller for the galaxy map, but what do all of you prefer for these two functions?

My setup for the galaxy/system map: (using a hotas warthog)
- joystick is 2d horizontal pan
- coolie hat is 1d vertical pan
- china hat is zoom in/out
- slew control is pitch/yaw rotation

The galaxy/system maps are currently the worst parts of ED for VR. They need serious reworking to be up to the standard of the rest of the game.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Expert Protege
I use dual Thrustmaster T-16000M's with voice attack for additional non combat commands or at least I used to haven't really played in quite a while.

Honestly you can fly fine with keyboard and mouse it's just more fun with flight sticks.
Isinona flys better than most people ever will with with just the Thrustmaster T-flight Hotas X.

Expert Trustee
I  use CH Throttle and T16000M joystick. CH Throttle has a nice little thumbstick for vertical and horizontal thrusters. Something lacking  in almost all other throttles.

 workkilobulb said:

I use dual Thrustmaster T-16000M's with voice attack for additional non combat commands or at least I used to haven't really played in quite a while.

Honestly you can fly fine with keyboard and mouse it's just more fun with flight sticks.
Isinona flys better than most people ever will with with just the Thrustmaster T-flight Hotas X.

How do you throttle up and down using  two joysticks?
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Expert Protege

MowTin said:

I  use CH Throttle and T16000M joystick. CH Throttle has a nice little thumbstick for vertical and horizontal thrusters. Something lacking  in almost all other throttles.

 workkilobulb said:

I use dual Thrustmaster T-16000M's with voice attack for additional non combat commands or at least I used to haven't really played in quite a while.

Honestly you can fly fine with keyboard and mouse it's just more fun with flight sticks.
Isinona flys better than most people ever will with with just the Thrustmaster T-flight Hotas X.

How do you throttle up and down using  two joysticks?

Left hand:
x-axis: side thrusters
y-axis: forward/back thrusters
z-axis: roll

Right hand:
x-axis: yaw
y-axis: pitch
z-axis: vertical thrusters

I'm pretty sure I got the setup from here 
There's a little slider thing you can use as a throttle on both joysticks but I rarely used it. I used voice attack for just setting the throttle for general travel between systems. In combat or maneuvering I just used the thrusters on the sticks. In general I believe I had a lot of stuff mapped to buttons using modifiers. No idea if this is optimal but it's a lot of fun to fly this way in VR :).

I have since got a logitech G29 and I was messing around with using dual sticks and the g29 pedals for forward/back when I tried the Overload Demo. I might try it out in ED when the novelty of the touch controllers starts to wear off.

Expert Protege
I have the T-Flight X, cheap as all hell, feels cheap as all hell. HAve had it about 4 years, never once failed.


MowTin said:

I  use CH Throttle and T16000M joystick. CH Throttle has a nice little thumbstick for vertical and horizontal thrusters. Something lacking  in almost all other throttles.

Saitek X52, X55, X65 and Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog all have an analog thumbstick on the throttle.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

I play with an Xbox One controller myself. I tried KB\M but was having trouble with the flight controls. Once my Rift eventually gets in my hands, I'll be able to see how a controller works in VR. Although a HOTAS rig is very tempting.

I'm just glad the map issues weren't just me, being a newcomer to both E:D and the Rift. Still working through figuring out the best solution for myself, but I'm more liking the idea of using the Xbox gamepad for map functions while using my HOTAS and voice attack for everything else.