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Everything worked fine a couple of days ago. PCVR seems completely broken now.

Honored Guest

This Quest 3 thing was working great for the first four weeks I had it, than all of a sudden a couple of days ago, with no changes to anything that I made, all PCVR options stopped working. I can get into steam, but when I try to launch a game it just freezes with a black screen. The link cable no longer works, the Wi-Fi link is only partially functional. It's basically become useless because the quest 3 onboard stuff is kind of bad. I just ordered an HTC Vive pro 2, I really don't want to throw something expensive in the closet that I just got about 5 weeks ago. But it's beyond frustrating. I bought almost all my games on steam (cause gaming PC better than onboard stuff), and now I can't use it. It's not like I can transfer my beat saber purchase and all the addons to the meta from steam, I looked into it. Very disappointed.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there @Taflek, welcome to the Meta Family!


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'd love to take a look into this for you. 


Would you mind sending us a private message so we can gather some additional information? To do so, please go to our profile page or click here


We look forward to hearing from you!

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Honored Guest

It's cool, no need.  I already solved the problem. I just ordered a dedicated PCVR headset like I said in my post, I was just venting a bit I suppose.. Everything will be better soon.  I will never buy another meta headset again though, this one feels like it should still be in beta testing.