04-29-2013 02:25 AM
04-29-2013 01:22 PM
04-29-2013 01:48 PM
04-29-2013 04:21 PM
"bfetter" wrote:
That was pretty awesome. It might be my favorite demo so far.
That was the first cockpit games I've tried on the rift with an enemy to fight, and it was really nice being able to track the enemy with my head. Made rolling important to make sure that I had the enemy above me in so that I'd be able to look through the large transparent canopy.
The ship did seem a bit bigger than I'd expect though, the flightstick and chair seemed probably about half again as large as I would expect. It would be interesting to try in a more cramped cockpit.
The radar didn't do much, the dot barely moved regardless of where the ship was, I'm guessing this just wasn't implemented yet. I wonder if there would be some way to take advantage of the added depth perception to make a radar view that makes it easier to tell if an object is in front of or behind you.
It would also be cool if there was a mode where the crosshairs could track with the center of your view within an area in front of the ship, so that you could do fine aiming with your head.
04-29-2013 07:27 PM
04-30-2013 12:33 AM
04-30-2013 08:02 AM
"38leinaD" wrote:
As a developer and not having worked with Unity yet, I would be interest in the effort required to create this first version.
05-01-2013 11:56 AM
"rje" wrote:
This project is something I've really only been able to work on during evenings and occasionally on the weekends. I started about three or four weeks ago, and I've probably worked 30-40 hours on it total.
"rje" wrote:
I used to make my living writing custom engines for games but I've been using unity for the last few years and I absolutely love it. It's flexible enough to do pretty much whatever I need to do, and the tools and pipeline it provides are first class. It's definitely a bit of an adjustment to switch to using a 3rd party engine, but in the long run it lets you focus on making your game better.
05-01-2013 03:57 PM
05-03-2013 11:46 AM
05-03-2013 03:30 PM
"sayitaintjonas" wrote:
Are there plans to add inertia to the ship physics? Thanks for posting this!!