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From Other Suns Tips

Not applicable
Feel free to add some if you have any.

- If you go to an enemy's tactical area and blow it up with your guns, the captain can't shoot your ship. I play solo and had my ship blown up a few times while trying to loot pirates, until someone mentioned it. This is quicker and saves your ship's ammo. Shoot the enemy ship once to break the jam, then teleport over.

- Upgrading your teleporter a few times can make your lock-on time as low as 6 or even 4 seconds, which seems more useful than other upgrades. You shouldn't need the med bay much unless you're soloing, out of medpacks, and are the last crew member alive or don't want to lose one. Then you'd have to walk back to the teleporter, lock on to your ship, and go back.

- Cards only work on the station they were picked up on. Many stations and ships have blue doors, but a card picked up on one station will be useless on the next.

- A rank III hackatron can fail and break on a 95% chance, then a rank II with a 75% chance on the same computer can randomly succeed. 

- If you shut off the reactor on a ship, everything in it will shut off, and once the oxygen level hits 0, your health will rapidly decline. You'll be dead in roughly 10-15 seconds.

- Judging by messages from the commander, it appears that you have to keep jumping to the right on the star chart, as the aliens keep moving from the left towards you.

- If you look at your ship's schematic, the top right room is the captain's quarters and has more wall spots to store weapons. If you're ever fighting and the game tells you you were rewarded a legendary weapon, it will be placed on that wall the next time you are on your ship.

- Shields are somewhat useless, because not only does the enemy sometimes use explosives or disc weapons, when your dominant hand sticks past the shield, you can get hit.

- You only really need to dual wield for tough enemies like dual wielding robots that fire rockets, the aliens that drop from vents, bosses, or if there's a group of armed enemies. A default legendary pistol with 180 or even 162 damage can kill a pirate in one magazine with well placed shots.

- The shock burst and auto laser pistols aren't too great (regardless of the number), while laser beams and disc weapons are amazing. Dual wielding laser beams of any damage type will melt the aliens that drop from vents. Pistols and single shot rifles are also great when you need that quick projectile with decent accuracy.

- Some bosses, such as the laser turret that hangs from the ceiling, can be kited with the two barriers. Shoot, back out when it fires, go back in, rinse and repeat. Shots against the red dot before and right after it fires appears to do more damage. Pistol is great for this because of the high accuracy and decent damage. There's ammo racks there for infinite ammo.

Expert Trustee

--Captains room has a database of info on ships, weapons, and upgrades. Start a private solo game and just go to the captain's room and read through the info.
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Heroic Explorer
What do we fire at to stop the pirate ships from escaping In the "pirates stole data" scenarios 

Heroic Explorer

Arock387 said:

What do we fire at to stop the pirate ships from escaping In the "pirates stole data" scenarios 

I second this question... I could not figure it out!

Expert Trustee

Arock387 said:

What do we fire at to stop the pirate ships from escaping In the "pirates stole data" scenarios 

The ships have these yellow circular nodes. You shoot them and they turn red then they blow up. Destroy all the nodes before they escape. 

Anyone dealt with aliens yet? OMG what a blast that was. 
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Not applicable

MowTin said:

Arock387 said:

What do we fire at to stop the pirate ships from escaping In the "pirates stole data" scenarios 

The ships have these yellow circular nodes. You shoot them and they turn red then they blow up. Destroy all the nodes before they escape. 

Anyone dealt with aliens yet? OMG what a blast that was. 

Yes, it took a while for me to figure that out. So many endless pirates spawning and I thought there was a terminal. But yeah, for anyone that doesn't know, when someone tells you to stop a pirate ship from escaping, just look for the yellow circles on the side and shoot them til they turn red and blow. Depending on the angle, you may have to move around to be able to hit each one, although they all seem to be on the left side, since you can't cross over.

Aliens can be a pain in the ass, but are manageable. I just use two laser beams (if I have them in my game at the time) and back up as they charge, so their slash won't hit me. Once they run back to the vent, they become invincible until they jump back out and charge again. After a few trips to the vent and back, dead. One mission I did had 3 giant aliens spawning a bunch of those little ones that spit goo or jump at you. I was down to my last crew member and had to go back to my ship a few times to heal, but laser beams melt stuff pretty easily. One pulse laser beam can melt a tiny alien, but two laser beams are definitely needed to take on swarms of them, as well as kill the giants that spawn them.

There appears to be an option to save game looking at the options in the main menu, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it while in the game, anyone know?
Also how do you get a different ship. When you start a game there are back and forward arrows against your ship choice, only have one option though, the Skimmer, but it implies there are others in the game. Do you simple steal them? We teleported onto a pirate ship, killed everything and took control of the bridge, were going to continue the game using it but thought better of it and jumped back to the skimmer.

It seems like Plasma weapons (aka FIRE) are VERY effective against the Headcrab like aliens and the zombified humans both.

Now, anyone know how to take down that one robot boss.. I think it was called Titan or Atlas or something?  Its healthbar only seems to decrease when shooting at the little vents underneath its arms, but the amount of damage is incredibly small.. I can blast those vents with everything I have and only take away maybe 1% of its healthbar before it kills me. Is there something I'm missing, or does this boss need a heavy Nerf from the developers?
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.

Expert Trustee

LordQuake said:

There appears to be an option to save game looking at the options in the main menu, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it while in the game, anyone know?
Also how do you get a different ship. When you start a game there are back and forward arrows against your ship choice, only have one option though, the Skimmer, but it implies there are others in the game. Do you simple steal them? We teleported onto a pirate ship, killed everything and took control of the bridge, were going to continue the game using it but thought better of it and jumped back to the skimmer.

I think if you are the captain and you leave a game it will automatically save and be found when you select "load game." I had a few saved games but I didn't do any saving. But I'm not 100% sure.

You get a different ship if you successfully make it to earth. 

@CrashFu I've never met the Atlas guy yet. 

@Snake-Plissken Thanks for the alien tip. I only got boarded by aliens once. It was so creepy seeing it crawl into the vents and hearing it crawl around the ship. We all panicked and died. 

i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Not applicable
I never get boarded by aliens, although I try to keep heading to the right on the star chart once I see the purple ship and all the other purple sectors behind it. I got a little past 50% to Earth on solo before ending the game. I was on a station with robots and they were mostly like Terminators and some hovering drones, not the pushover security bots in the beginning. I had 6 crew and lost 5, gave up, went on to something else, and died. Really sucks to have to start over, but still, the game is addicting.

Expert Trustee

I never get boarded by aliens, although I try to keep heading to the right on the star chart once I see the purple ship and all the other purple sectors behind it. I got a little past 50% to Earth on solo before ending the game. I was on a station with robots and they were mostly like Terminators and some hovering drones, not the pushover security bots in the beginning. I had 6 crew and lost 5, gave up, went on to something else, and died. Really sucks to have to start over, but still, the game is addicting.

I just did an awesome run with a good crew. Made it 55% and saw the same terminator robots and hovering robots you saw. They didn't finish us. It was some pirates that boarded our ship as we boarded theirs. They killed our meat bag before we could save him. 

This game is so much fun.
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2