11-16-2017 03:33 AM
11-19-2017 01:34 AM
11-19-2017 02:24 AM
11-19-2017 05:27 AM
11-19-2017 07:00 PM
Snake-Plissken said:
One huge tip: the AI is retarded and if you have one go to your bridge, he will shoot a station and get your ship instagibbed before you can lock on and teleport (even with upgrades and only a 6 second lock).
11-19-2017 07:41 PM
11-19-2017 10:25 PM
JoeManji08 said:
Snake-Plissken said:
One huge tip: the AI is retarded and if you have one go to your bridge, he will shoot a station and get your ship instagibbed before you can lock on and teleport (even with upgrades and only a 6 second lock).
Yeah, I learned that the hard way today. I actually kicked a guy, because I knew I wasn't shooting the stations, so I thought he was sabotaging me lol. I figured out my mistake when my ship kept picking fights it couldn't handle after he was gone.
(Didn't catch the name, but if you're on here and recognize me, sorry about that by the way)
11-20-2017 12:40 AM
11-20-2017 07:27 AM
You beat it solo or with a crew? Any strategy tips? I feel like I'll never make it to earth. Had a good run yesterday but we got overwhelmed by robots. Things went south fast and didn't have a chance to run back to ship.
Snake-Plissken said:
I beat the game just now. It appears there's one other ship.
11-21-2017 04:55 AM
11-21-2017 12:24 PM