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Full VR Support for IL2 Battle of Stalingrad Confirmed, March Deadline

"VR support turns out to be tricky not because it is complex by itself,
but because this technology and API are still relatively immature -
there are no beaten paths and in some parts we were moving forward
almost blindly. A large chunk of time was spent on finding new ways to
optimize performance to make VR experience more fluid, many improvements
were made in this field. Another big task we needed to complete was
adapting the user interface for VR to make it usable. For a while, we
were a bit puzzled how to make optical sights (like Pe-2 lower UBT MG
gunsight or tank gunner sight) function in VR realistically, and we
decided to show the gunsight only for one eye while another eye should
be closed (like in real life). In our opinion, Oculus Rift cv1 has
slightly better lenses and more effective usage of the display matrix
(pixels in front of you are placed a bit tighter, but overall field of
view is narrower). On the other hand, HTC Vive has more advanced
tracking tech, slightly wider FOV which feels less like looking through
binoculars, much larger possible play area (not like it is useful for a
flight sim though) but its lenses have visible peripheral moire effect.
In short, both devices have their pros and cons and if you plan to buy
one, it would be ideal to demo them both to find out which one suits you
better (but be mindful of a possibility of wearing a VR unit in a
public place after someone else who may have had red-eye for instance).
All in all, we like how VR works in our sim, it's on par or even better
than in other sims."

IL-2 is a very Grognard loving WW2 flightsim. If you want the most realistic dogfighting experience look in their direction. Alternatively, Digital Combat Simulations or DCS will become their direct competition once they finish up their WW2 updates. You can fly the mustang and already that is promising.

Expert Trustee
Yay! Awesome. I have a joystick and throttle I use for Elite Dangerous. But that game is a little boring. Back in the days of 3.5 inch disk, I used to play "Battle of Britain" for ages. That game was so much fun. 

I think this will get me back in the skies of WWII again. 
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Sounds good. Try as i may i cant get on with. VR in warthunder so this could hit the spot
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

Heroic Explorer
IL-2 is a bit expensive ..imo


IL-2 is a bit expensive ..imo

IL-2 Resold CD keys are not. Try, or a google search for "IL2 Battle of Stalingrad cd key"

They frown upon this as you're not giving any more money to the developer. But I do not think it is illegal. I dropped the 100 dollars on IL2 for the two premium editions and bought directly from the devs because I have a serious fetish for making aircraft skins and I love the game.

I will admit though, warthunder is easier. I find IL-2 more satisfying. Planes fly like real planes, and dogfights are unforgiving at first. Eventually you wind up as an ace and other people you play with wonder how the hell you're doing it. Like I said, satisfying

Expert Trustee

Sounds good. Try as i may i cant get on with. VR in warthunder so this could hit the spot

What's wrong with VR in Warthunder? I was planning on trying it. 
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2


MowTin said:

Sounds good. Try as i may i cant get on with. VR in warthunder so this could hit the spot

What's wrong with VR in Warthunder? I was planning on trying it. 

VR in War Thunder is excellent, just do NOT play in Arcade/Realistic ... go straight to Simulator mode and stay there or you will have a bad time.

Basically Arcade/Realistic have been dumbed down and made playable with the mouse .. this means most players need only point and click where they want to shoot and the game automatically flies for them, while you will be struggling with stalls/spins etc .. they have a free ride.

Not in Simulator mode however, in Simulator you have the edge.

Expert Trustee
Why isn't War Thunder in Oculus Home?
i7 9700k 3090 rtx   CV1, Rift-S, Index, G2

Coz it's free and not a true VR title.
A PC with lots of gadgets inside and a thing to see in 3D that you put on your head.


MowTin said:

Why isn't War Thunder in Oculus Home?

It's hybrid VR/Non-VR and it existed WAY before VR even came out. The game has been out since around 2011 maybe even before that.

The VR support in War Thunder is something they added in 2016, they just did a really good job of it.