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Half-Life 2 (official) Rift support

We just shipped a beta for Half-Life 2 that includes Oculus Rift support. To get it, open the properties for HL2 in Steam by right-clicking on the name of the game in your library. Set your command line to "-vr", and opt-in to the SteamPipe beta. This should ship to everybody in a few weeks.

Edited to add:
*** NOTE! The Steam Pipe beta shipped in summer of 2013. You don't need to opt into that beta anymore. ***

This port is a bit more raw than TF2 was when it shipped, so we would appreciate hearing about any bugs you find. Just like in TF2 this mode is experimental, so we really want to hear what you think.

A few known issues:

  • If you clone your desktop monitor to the Rift it won't work very well. You can work around this by picking full screen in the video options.

All of the convars are the same as they were in TF2 with two additions:
vr_viewmodel_offset_forward - Moves the viewmodel back so the elbows are harder to see and it feels more attached to your body.
vr_viewmodel_offset_forward_large - Same as vr_viewmodel_offset_forward, but for the Gravity Gun.

I find these convars to be useful in the game itself, so consider setting them:
hud_quickinfo 1
hud_fastswitch 2

Edited to add this:

The calibrator isn't up and running in HL2, but you can use the one in TF2 to generate the appropriate values. You should definitely do this to avoid eye strain and make the whole experience more pleasant.

  • Run TF2 and calibrate using vr_calibration.

  • Look at the vr_separation_user_inches convar and remember what it is set to

  • Run HL2 and set that convar to the same value.

  • Set vr_separation_toein_pixels to 0 in HL2

You should launch TF2 and run vr_calibration. See what vr_separation_user_inches is set to and set the same
1,137 REPLIES 1,137

Honored Guest
There is a new MMORPG on Kickstarter that is giving away OR for free to first 75 backers. Realms of Goldesia...Check it out here

Expert Protege
Is there a way to get a different control scheme with HL2? I really liked how the controls were laid out in Time Rifters where I could aim with my to speak. Right now, the controller (my preferred way of playing in the rift) isn't working rigth. I can use the sticks, but the buttons don't do anything.

Nevermind. Figured it out.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

Honored Guest
Does anyone else have an issue with the FOV?

I'm seeing black bars when looking directly forward. The FOV is definitely smaller....I made an autoexec file setting the fov to 115 as this is what has been recommended for the best experience. Maybe that has something to do with it....

If you have an NVidia card, try changing the scaling config making sure that the preview image shows a 1:1 fit. For some reason if you set it to "Display" (not GPU) scaling plus "aspect ratio" it seems to break the scaling (at least it does with my card).

Honored Guest
I run HL2 for the first time after nausea disaster 2 months ago. This time I tried Episode 1. And holly mother of f***, this is indeed amazing! As many has said, it's up there with the best VR experiences so far. I can't believe this game is 8 years old! It looks fantastic in Rift. Very clear picture, colors look really great (even in DevKit) and It plays almost like the game would be made for VR. The only bad side: even with my VR legs I started to fell a bit nausea after around 30 minutes in. I played a bit more and it didn't get worse (and it went away as fast as I stopped playing), but it was still a bit annoying not being able to completely enjoy experience after it kicked in.

Anyway, amazing work Valve! VR Half Life2 feels like a new game. Can't even imagine what a game build with VR in mind and with next, or current, gen graphics will look and play like.

Honored Guest
I've been playing around with HL2VR a few times now. It's pretty damn impressive and presents a strong case for VR games even in it's current form with just a Rift devkit and Razer Hydra. Both of these devices will be replaced in the near future with superior technology. So when we get a game that is built ground up for VR using a consumer Rift and the STEM system the result might be mindblowing.

There is one annoying bug in HL2VR on my computer. The lasersight brightness for guns keeps changing. At times it's very bright and visible and all of a sudden it goes very dim. It's alot harder to aim at things far away if the dot is barely visible. I have no idea what is causing this. Has anyone come across this bug?

Honored Guest
"lmimmfn" wrote:
"Zackarios" wrote:
Does anyone else have an issue with the FOV?

I'm seeing black bars when looking directly forward. The FOV is definitely smaller....I made an autoexec file setting the fov to 115 as this is what has been recommended for the best experience. Maybe that has something to do with it....

This happened to me this past week, i have NEVER had a problem with the visible area in HL2, i have been playing it for months on the rift, i loaded it up yesterday and BAM im looking at a tiny screen with a huge black border surrounding the game view.

I even have my old config from August and the only differences are oculus_use_ovr_distortion "0" was introduced to the config, also i installed TF2 for the first time in ages, other than that nothing has changed except what is visible in game or lack thereof.
Resolution is correct - 1280x800, aspect ration in game is correct 16:10, fov set to 90.

I tried fov 115, 130, nothing removes the 'new' black border

Interesting...I've only just started playing it recently and as far as I can remember it has been there the whole time. I have no idea why its there, there seems to be nothing I can do to change it...

I've been playing it in extended display mode, surely it has nothing to do with that...there's nothing else I can think of?

"mdk" wrote:
There is one annoying bug in HL2VR on my computer. The lasersight brightness for guns keeps changing. At times it's very bright and visible and all of a sudden it goes very dim. It's alot harder to aim at things far away if the dot is barely visible. I have no idea what is causing this. Has anyone come across this bug?

I've noticed this as well, but I'm not sure if it's a bug as much as the fact the lasersight brightness seems to change based on the environment and nearby lighting?

Honored Guest
"Walky" wrote:
If you have an NVidia card, try changing the scaling config making sure that the preview image shows a 1:1 fit. For some reason if you set it to "Display" (not GPU) scaling plus "aspect ratio" it seems to break the scaling (at least it does with my card).

It's an ATI card....I'm out of ideas as to what's causing it, pretty strange.

Honored Guest
I started playing HL2VR last night with my Rift and new Hydra, and, WOW! What an incredible experience. Hands down, it's the best VR experience I've had since getting the Rift. Seriously, being able to peek around corners and fire, it's amazing. Nothing makes you feel cooler than hearing something behind you and being able to quickly look, point your gun behind you, and fire off shots. Feels totally badass.

My only problem is that, for some strange reason, I can't get past the part where you have to climb up a red train car where you meet that guy with a vortiguant who powers up your suit. When I go to climb the ladder to get in, I just attach to the ladder, but cannot move up or down. All the ladders up to that point worked just fine by attaching myself to them and then pressing forward to climb up. Anyone else experience this?