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How to access the Elven Assassin app when there is cloud syncing issues


Hello! I've been playing Elven Assassin for nearly three years and faced cloud syncing issues multiple times. However, I've never resorted to factory resetting or reinstalling the app to resolve the problem. Some players lose progress in this way because they may not be aware that it is saved in their device's storage rather than the Meta cloud backup (users must grant the EA app permission to access cloud data). When you factory reset or reinstall the app, the data, including progress, gets erased. I recommend considering these options only as a last resort.

When syncing issues occur, there are alternative ways to access the game. Syncing problems usually resolve themselves and don't prevent game access. If issues arise when accessing the game through the LIBRARY app, try opening it via your iPhone or Android phone's Quest app, or on your device's Explore app, or the Store app . You can also use voice commands to access the game. One of these alternatives often works for players facing similar issues. Good luck!


Addy A. Dee

Elven Assassin Advancement Group Admin Team