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I cant play vrchat or navigate in the store or my account

Honored Guest

i first notice when tryting to play vrchat and cant play it because it closes automatically, and when I tried to navgate in the sotore it says that im not connected, and it doesnt load my account either, but I can use app like facebook and youtube with no problem, i havent found another user with the same problem, does anyone know how to help me please?


Retired Support

Hello there! I see you're having issues with VR chat 🤔 Weird I was having the same issue with mine yesterday. I think this has to do with the VR chat app I submitted a but report I feel like we should all submit one just to make sure they look into this. 


However, I was wondering if this happens with any other app? 

We are all mad here.

Retired Support

Hey there! Just passing by to see if you're still in need of some assistance. 

We are all mad here.