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Iam looking for suggestions about Elite Dangerous Hotas

Honored Guest
hello  guys  can someone  give me  a suggestion of Hotas which i can use  for  Elite Dangerous iam  looking for  one  to purchase for  my 11  years old  son

U can pickup X52 on ebay pretty cheap some times , works pretty good with ED

99% sure this is a spammer, he's linked 4 times so far to a website about the best hotas in elite.
But... the page he keeps linking to is pretty funny. Here's some quotes:
RGB Backlighting is also available thus placing you in complete and
efficient gaming mood that allows you to fully concenter on your gaming.
Comes with a with a very active headrest
The warthog comes with a headrest?
Compact constrict ruction design
To make it to our is of Best hotas for elite dangerous this had to go
through practical text that allowed it to gesture in our list.
Warthog joystick
That's in the pro column of the thrustmaster 16000m. The t16000m is certainly NOT a Warthog stick.
Comes with a technological designed control system that according to our
experts can only be described as an aerodynamic control.

Now we are all familiar with Logitech which is one of the leading gaming consoles manufacturers
When did Logitech start making consoles?
Twin Throttles control option makes it easier for you to enjoy increased gaming time.
Not sure what that's supposed to mean.

The Thrustmast T.Flight has a Con of "Costly". WTF? The Warthog costs around 8 times as much as the T.Flight!

A lot of the amazon links are wrong too. The Warthog stick links to buying just the throttle. The Warthog throttle links to buying just the throttle. The full Warthog set links to buying just the stick.

So... if this isn't spam, DON'T TAKE ADVICE FROM THAT PAGE! It's crap.

Back to serious: my preference is the HOTAS Warthog, I love it in Elite Dangerous. However I also have rudder pedals. The Warthog has no twist stick, so without rudder pedals you'd have no analog yaw control. Another HOTAS with a twist stick would probably be better in that situation. Or just get rudder pedals, they are great for Elite. I actually use my rudder pedals to steer the buggy when on planet surfaces, leaving the joystick to control the gun turret. 🙂

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Not applicable
Thrustmast T.Flight + VoiceAttack is all you need.