09-08-2017 01:24 AM
09-09-2017 04:34 PM
nrosko said:
We have? exaggerating much.
AI is a proper game & there is little comparable to it on OH. If it had a proper conversion it would trounce everything on OH.
09-09-2017 05:51 PM
Zenbane said:
nrosko said:
We have? exaggerating much.
AI is a proper game & there is little comparable to it on OH. If it had a proper conversion it would trounce everything on OH.
AI didn't have a proper conversion so it's not even in a position to trounce anything. Also, there is a difference between multiple titles being amazing and a single title being the most amazing.
To think that AI would trounce everything in OH is far more an exaggeration than anything I've stated in this thread. Rift users have very much been exposed to amazing since its release; on multiple occasions. You don't have to agree, but your belief that AI would trounce everything is pure fictitious hyperbole.
Even if AI was remade for VR and it did trounce everything... that just means that it would be the most amazing title in a library with other amazing titles B)
09-09-2017 06:13 PM
nrosko said:
Really what are all these amazing titles? How much is Zuckerberg paying you to say all this?
nrosko said:
Pretty much the majority made for VR content so far wouldn't get a sniff if they were up againsts what is released in 2d.
nrosko said:
There is a noticeable difference when playing AI, it feel like a proper game even in its botched form.
09-10-2017 03:40 AM
Zenbane said:
nrosko said:
Really what are all these amazing titles? How much is Zuckerberg paying you to say all this?
How much is Sega paying you to oversell Alien Isolation? 😉
If you want to see which titles are Amazing, then have a look at the Games/Reviews MegaThread. Or use Google.
nrosko said:
Pretty much the majority made for VR content so far wouldn't get a sniff if they were up againsts what is released in 2d.
Both of your main arguments rely on "IF" statements, which means that your best arguments reside within the realm of Fantasy. This has nothing to do with VR vs 2D, this is about which VR titles have proven to make headlines and get user reviews that showcase an amazing experience. You aren't really offering up anything tangible, just a lot of meaningless banter.
nrosko said:
There is a noticeable difference when playing AI, it feel like a proper game even in its botched form.
"There is no God but Alien Isolation, and nrosko is its Prophet"
AI development began in 2010, and it wasn't released until late 2014. I would hope and expect that a game taking 4 years to make would have a noticeable difference than games taking only 1-2 years of development time.
It sounds like you don't own any real VR Games.
09-10-2017 03:46 AM
nrosko said:
Nice try Zenbane but you are just creating strawmen. My argument isn't based on IF statements
09-10-2017 08:59 AM
09-10-2017 09:31 AM
09-13-2017 01:40 PM
vannagirl said:
well this thread ended up with
I played a little of this back on 360, it was okay, well the questioning parts anyway i thought i read it is only some areas for this version in VR?
The idea seems great for VR though, i would love a full detective story for us. I will wait and see how this plays out though before anything, and maybe a sale