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Miku Entertainment Sphere Stage 1.0.2 (Updated for DK2)

Honored Guest

I've updated Miku Entertainment Sphere Stage for the DK2. 8-)
Video of the old build:

v. 1.0.2
Available on Oculus Share:
Windows 32bit (and 64bit):

Remember to rate this demo on the Share page. Thank you!

Changes in 1.0.2 version:
-Added 0.4.1 Unity integration.

Changes in 1.0.1 version:
-Near clip plane distance decreased (you can inspect the characters more closely).
-Player's height corrected (decreased by 0.1m).
-Player's eye height at beginning lowered closer to a seated height (from 1.6m to 1.1m).
-Player movement speed decreased (now same as in the old dk1 version).

Features and content are same as in the old version but I made a couple changes to the code:
-Holding 'Change height' button down now changes player height faster.
-Starting music hides the UI automatically and stopping brings it back up.
-Most of the keyboardbindings changed (old ones were overlapping with new oculus binds).
More info inside the readme file.

Testing was done with dk1 and everything worked. I made a MESS_extended.bat file for the extended mode which launches the game to your second screen (edit in notepad and change the number incase you need it on some other screen).

-Press CTRL after launching the demo to change the game resolution (launchwindow pops up!).
-Pressing 'R' resets the cameratracking
-Pressing 'F1' toggles low persistence

Feedback and bugreports are welcome! 🙂

Honored Guest

I love you man. And really, that demo is really great, everything work fine !
Writer on : : All (or almost 😛 ) Oculus Rift Games, Apps & Movies : The French VR Community Community : All articles of French VR enthusiasts

Honored Guest
"Grimmy" wrote:
Thanks for the feedback people, it's good to hear that camera tracking works!

charlie177, metulski
Maybe I will 🙂

No I didn't use a latency tester, everythings on default. Timewarp is set on in the settings.

ennikah, dusty44
Good to hear, makes me want to get a DK2 to see it myself!

jblouir, cefyl
Wall of text inc.

Looking at the the new version of MMD4Mecanim seems a bit easier to work with than my old alpha version (2013 09 13). The first pdf on the site seems to cover the importing and setting up of PMD/PMX and VMD quite well. I can't read japanese but the pictures alone explain a lot.

If your VMD files (animations) don't work, did you do the following:
-After getting the MMD4Mecanim file for your character, go to PMX2FBX tab, insert the VMD file and press Process.
-Now you should have the charater with motions so drag it to the Scene.
-Create an Animator Controller and instert it into your characters(in the scene) Animator.
-Open the Animator Controller and drag the animation(attached to your processed char) to it.
After that the motions should work when you press play.

Now I need to make a warning about limitations that hit me while doing the demo:
-A limit to how many animations a character can have is 5 or 6 depending on their length. I had to make 3 of each character to fit all 16 motions. Adding any more makes things prone to crash.
-Max memory usage for Unity is 4GB, which I almost hit and still got many crashes(also those loadtimes, phew). That's 9 characters with 5 or 6 motions each.

If making a bigger demo than mine, I'd suggest using a max of 5 animations for each character and making more than one Scene to lessen the weight on memory.

I hope this helps!

The pmx2fbx tab, is that in unity or mmd4mecanim?

I am currently using the mmd integration in unity that converts pmx/pmd files to prefabs, but the vmd converter doesn't seem to work or maybe I'm doing it wrong, I will give the fbx stuff a go though!

Honored Guest
If you pause it and lean in to Miku's face she has a small pair of glasses inside her head.

Honored Guest
Mac version is now up!

If you imported MMD4Mecanim files to Unity first and character files after that, there should be automatically generated charactername.MMD4Mecanim file inside the folder (according to the pictures on atleast). When you click that file, you should see PMX2FBX, Material, Rig, Animations -tabs in the Inspector panel.

Expert Protege
Win link is busted.
i7 3820 16 gigs of Ram GTX 780ti

Honored Guest
"Grimmy" wrote:
Mac version is now up!

If you imported MMD4Mecanim files to Unity first and character files after that, there should be automatically generated charactername.MMD4Mecanim file inside the folder (according to the pictures on atleast). When you click that file, you should see PMX2FBX, Material, Rig, Animations -tabs in the Inspector panel.

Right I understand why I am getting confused, I have been trying to use this...

MMD for unity

I will try and look into using Mechanim for this

Honored Guest
"Grimmy" wrote:
Mac version is now up!

If you imported MMD4Mecanim files to Unity first and character files after that, there should be automatically generated charactername.MMD4Mecanim file inside the folder (according to the pictures on atleast). When you click that file, you should see PMX2FBX, Material, Rig, Animations -tabs in the Inspector panel.

Wow gosh that was easy!

I downloaded


Its a unity package, once imported it seemed to add a mechanim file automatically to the folders with pmx files.

Clicking that brought up the interface you mentioned with pmx2fbx, I selected the vmd and hit process and it worked straight away! I can see the animation playing in a preview window, just going to work on the animation controller bit like you mentioned earlier.


Honored Guest
Done! Amazing how quick that was...

First successful import with animation, and even a sound track although I think its the wrong one...

Very excited, the animation controller worked perfectly, just created a new one, and dragged the fbx from the child of the miku prefab to the animation controller sheet and works straight away!


Love it! 🙂

One bit of feedback, I'm not sure if this is something you have control over or not but I get the warning that I'm going outside the range of the tracking camera way early before I'm near the actual edges. Using the Oculus demo scene I get somewhere around twice the tracking volume as I'm getting in this demo.

Honored Guest
"Grimmy" wrote:

I've updated Miku Entertainment Sphere Stage for the DK2. 8-)
Video of the old build:

Windows 32bit (also works on 64bit):

Features and content are same as in the old version but I made a couple changes to the code:
-Holding 'Change height' button down now changes player height faster.
-Starting music hides the UI automatically and stopping brings it back up.
-Most of the keyboardbindings changed (old ones were overlapping with new oculus binds).
More info inside the readme file.

EDIT: Everything seems to be working.
(Build was done with the 0.4 unitypackage, so the cameratracking should work. Unfortunately I don't have, nor I'm planning to get a DK2 so I can't test how/if it works. :cry: )

I'd guess that secondary cam-mode might be a bit weird with the new tracking. Testing was done with dk1 and everything worked. Using the extended mode for rift is recommended as direct to rift -mode seems to have more problems. I made a MESS_extended.bat file for the extended mode which launches the game to your second screen (edit in notepad and change the number incase you need it on some other screen). Also, remember to press CTRL after launching to change the game resolution (launchwindow pops up!).

Feedback and bugreports are welcome! 🙂

This worked great for me in direct mode. Thanks.