My Son has seen my rift on the desk many times before as he likes to sit on my knee while I work, he usually just ignores it and orders youtube on the second monitor.
He finally asked what it was so I said they are special glasses (I wear glasses), so he picked it up and put it on his head (holding it to is eyes, as it wasn't adjusted for his head).
He started looking around, "look there is water!" pointing in front of him.
So I put Invasion on, as it starts in space he kept saying "make it morning!", then it started and the rabbit ran over he looking at it "its a rabbit!". then the spaceship came over and he keeps looking back at the bunny and the ship, had a good chuckly witht he frozen alien and then kicked off as I took it off his head before it destroys his eye sight.
Funny when I think about it, its like my first experience of a BBC micro as a young child, just the tech has moved on quite a bit.
My 5 year old grand daughter loves the roller coaster rides on the rift, I have to keep on getting (and buying) different ones to amuse her, but the laughter and 'wow!'s" are worth it. She only gets a 10 minute go before I have to forcefully extract her from the headset - goodness knows what it will be like when she discovers the touch controllers... Son-in-law got seriously motion sick on his first go, daughter had no problem.
My 5 year old loves Henry and the dog in Valves Lab. She’s always asking to use VR.
You're a parent ??
i had a similar reaction when i found out zenbane was a parent (assuming hes telling the truth),
that poor kid.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on forums?