In my opinion, there is a noticeable lack of demos suited for the first time Rift experience. A person's first time in the Rift is a pretty powerful thing, and I did not like to see it wasted. Dumping a user into a room or environment without any story or build-up seems counter-intuitive to the immersion factor that the Rift allows us. I wanted to tell a story, slowly introduce the user to the Rift, and warm our way up to the more "fun" experiences. The story aspect also lets the user connect on an emotional level with the experience. First impressions are important, even more so with the social stigma virtual reality gained from premature attempts at its creation.
Controls: Hit space as the directions say to begin, tap "b" to reset orientation, and tap "m" to toggle mirroring.
This is such a great use of all the various informational videos, interviews, conference talks, reaction videos, etc. to provide a succinct recap of what has happened in the past year and a half. As a first time experience I think this fits the bill nicely. It doesn't require that the user be familiar with controls, just hit space and you're off.
Other feedback / Misc: - Damn you for the Slender Man section. I knew what was coming but I still cringed. :lol: - Took you a week and half to learn Unity and come up with this... I really have no excuse at this point for not trying/attempting to take a stab at creating something.
You win, that was amazing. I honestly thought it was going to be so, so but then the lights came on.
Ok, now that I collected my thoughts:
* Have the intro video locked to the face, then in middle lock it to space (may not be a good idea) * The reset view button (normally "B") wasn't working so my view was slowly drifting. * The avatar could have a more natural pose (hands on lap). I think there are better avatar assets available as well * During the pipe segment, move the large block and have the pipe swing two or three times (with sound effects) before the player needs to duck away. * When you show the large cavern of Reddit, keep the avatar sitting down in the chair. * There was some minor freezing during the Slender and Final scene. * I'm not a fan of the scaring part given that this demo seems to be for everyone. * The voice distortion becomes noticeable near the end.
On possible demos:
* I'm a fan of the video player aspect of the Rift. Show a 3D movie clip (start small 2D, make it a big 2D then it becomes 3D) and 360 movie clip (start small, make it IMAX then reveal it full 360). You can use John Carmack's talk during the same Rift clip from E3 as he mentions 3D out of the box. * Similarly, show the 360 images both Stereoscopic rendered and Streetview. Mention it's a new way to re-experience vacations and memories. * If possible, put the viewer in Redframe or The Room briefly as those are good examples of presence in normal rooms. * A demo segment with regards to scale would be great. Using the Tuscany scale demo can be an option. Showing that you can feel like a giant or an ant in the same location (Alice in Wonderland effect) would be great. Same thing but use an object or moving animal that grows and shrinks a great amount.
It was just a tad on the cheesy side, but I totally got what you were going for. It was really good and glad I sat through the whole thing. You definitely got the point across, and I hope Oculus does something similar. (But on the another level graphics/presentation-wise) This is really good for a beginner and better than anything I could possibly make now (I've been at it for 6 months). You are a fast learner. Thanks for creating this. 🙂
Wow! This was so needed... great idea man and that voice! Definitely going to try this on some first timers and I'll let you know their feedback. Overall the idea of something like this I think is important for VR to have. Really like all of the different experiences so far and I wouldn't mind even a couple more if you can do it! It does run really smooth too, good work with that. I'll post again soon with some feedback.
I wouldn't be surprised if Oculus creates something like this for the consumer version. It's a fantastic way to show off the hardware without having to do a thing. I wish I could figure out a way to stop mine from rotating off centre though, that's a pain in the ass.
Nukemarine: I've uploaded a new version in which you can press "b" to reset the drift (at least I think I did, I never had any issues with drifing). I'm looking into the performance issues at the end, but I can't do a thing about the voice unless I pay someone to actually do the voice over.
I would like to add some more experiences into this demo, but I need to learn more about Unity first to be able to add some more interesting things in.