03-15-2016 05:04 PM
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer, or POV-Ray, is a ray tracing program which generates images from a text-based scene description
// ODS - Top/Bottom
#declare odsIPD = 0.065; // Interpupillary distance
#declare odsLocationX = 0;
#declare odsLocationY = 0;
#declare odsLocationZ = 0;
#declare odsHandedness = -1; // "-1" for left-handed or "1" for right-handed
#declare odsAngle = 0; // Rotation, clockwise, in degree.
camera {
location {
function { odsLocationX + cos(((x+0.5+odsAngle/360)) * 2 * pi - pi)*odsIPD/2*select(-y,-1,+1) }
function { odsLocationY }
function { odsLocationZ + sin(((x+0.5+odsAngle/360)) * 2 * pi - pi)*odsIPD/2*select(-y,-1,+1) * odsHandedness }
direction {
function { sin(((x+0.5+odsAngle/360)) * 2 * pi - pi) * cos(pi / 2 -select(y, 1-2*(y+0.5), 1-2*y) * pi) }
function { sin(pi / 2 - select(y, 1-2*(y+0.5), 1-2*y) * pi) }
function { -cos(((x+0.5+odsAngle/360)) * 2 * pi - pi) * cos(pi / 2 -select(y, 1-2*(y+0.5), 1-2*y) * pi) * odsHandedness }
03-15-2016 05:08 PM
03-15-2016 05:41 PM
03-16-2016 12:01 AM
03-19-2016 06:22 AM
03-20-2016 07:45 AM
regarding stereo issue
Being able to define all the rays individually is super powerful!
03-21-2016 05:17 AM
03-21-2016 06:44 PM
03-22-2016 10:47 AM
04-03-2016 10:50 AM