Got the Quest 2 last week and overall very happy with it. Premium Bowling was the game I was most looking forward to but I'm finding it an exercise in frustration due to the trigger button function. The fact that you have to release it precisely at the right time with little margin for error means most throws don't replicate your swing action and so you don't get the velocity you intended and needless to say the spin is totally off whack due to unintentionally weak throws. Would be so much better for the ball to release automatically at the end of the swing with the swing action (rather than releasing the trigger at the precise moment) being the deciding factor in throw velocity. As it is, sometimes the swing action is fast but because the trigger release timing is fractionally off, the throw is very weak and other times the swing is fairly gentle but the ball goes off like a rocket because you released the trigger at a certain time. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if releasing the trigger at the right time was more forgiving but there seems to be so little margin for error in the timing of it that it just ruins the whole game for me. Been playing it now for a couple of hours and just getting frustrated at how unforgiving it is.......... are others finding this to be the case or am I missing something???