08-06-2014 10:19 PM
quakespasm -vr
host_maxfps xxxwhere 'xxx' is a higher value (as high as you want, if you're interested in keeping vr_vsync disabled). The update is now 240.
10-07-2014 05:28 PM
"mindabuse" wrote:
The FOV is based on the viewing angle of the Oculus Rift and it can't be changed with any console commands at the moment. The scale in QUAKE is definitely unrealistic, so the fact that everything looks larger than it should is "normal". I attribute that to QUAKE being one of the first full-3D games on the market. If you use 'notarget' to disable the enemy AI from attacking you, you can see that ammo/health crates are like half the height of normal humanoid enemies. Holding the axe in front of enemies to examine the scale is also pretty amusing.
10-07-2014 06:41 PM
"jkostans" wrote:
I did a little playing around and you're absolutely right about the FOV. There is however a huge discrepancy between what IPD I think feels right (~100mm), and what my IPD actually is (64mm). If I use the 100-120mm, the world seems more tangible. Square things look square when viewed at an angle etc. However this makes the viewpoint seem even lower to the floor, and the enemies seem tiny. All these years I never realized how out of whack the size of everything was. I guess you add stereo depth to the equation and the scaling flaws are exposed. Very interesting!
static const float player_height_units = 56;
static const float player_height_m = 1.75;
eye.offset = player_height_units * (vr_ipd.value/(player_height_m * 1000.0));
// Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and QUAKE use the same coordinate/unit system:
// 8 foot (96 inch) height wall == 64 pixel units
// 1.5 inches per pixel unit
// 1.0 pixel unit / 1.5 inch == 0.666666 pixel units per inch
// QuakeEd shows the *eye* height to be ~46 units high
// 46 units * 1.5 inch ratio == 69 inches / 12 inches == 5 foot 9 inch *eye level*
#define INCH_TO_METER (0.0254)
#define QUAKE_TO_METER (1.5 * INCH_TO_METER) // 0.0381 meters per quake pixel unit
#define METER_TO_QUAKE (1.0/QUAKE_TO_METER) // 26.24671916 quake pixel units per meter
static inline float QuakeToMeter(float q) { return q * QUAKE_TO_METER; }
static inline float MeterToQuake(float m) { return m * METER_TO_QUAKE; }
10-08-2014 07:48 AM
"mindabuse" wrote:
I can't nail down where I found the reference to the Wolf 3D/DOOM/QUAKE units, but it was something that John Carmack had said (that the Wolf3D wall height was supposed to be the "standard" 8-foot wall height, and the artwork was 64x64 pixels). It was in either a .plan file, blog, interview or tweet somewhere in the past.
2.4.7 Measurements
Game unit: A game unit is used by deformations to specify sizes relative to the world. Game units are
the same scale we have had since way back in the Wolfenstein days – 8 units equals one foot.
10-08-2014 06:58 PM
10-15-2014 06:40 PM
11-08-2014 06:52 AM
11-08-2014 09:20 AM
"Hammer09" wrote:
Question here, so would like some guidance please.
Running Bilago's VR Game manager, is there anyway I can get this to launch on my rift onto the secondary screen.
I use teh Extend Desktop to the HMD option.
11-08-2014 10:40 AM
11-08-2014 11:20 AM
11-08-2014 12:41 PM
"TWhite" wrote:
I remember hearing something about a Darkplaces VR port for Quake. Any word on that? As that is what I am waiting for to experience Quake 1 in the Rift.
The same thing needs to happen to Quake 2 with Berserker mod.