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QUAKE [DK2 Support]

I've just pushed up changes to my fork of QuakeSpasm-Rift.

v1.91: release post details
v1.90: release post details
v1.85: release post details
UPDATE: See this post on how to configure the Rift DK2 to work properly.

Look for the latest releases here:

This fork is using SDK v0.4.1 with a modified distortion shader to eliminate black smearing (when overdrive is enabled). Both DK1 and DK2 HMDs render with orientation and position tracking.

With your HMD configured in extended mode and as the primary display, fire up the game with:

quakespasm -vr

Configure settings in the Options > VR/HMD Settings menu, or check out the README for all of the cvars, as all the various HMD & Distortion flags can be toggled (multisampling, low persistence, dynamic prediction, vsync, timewarp, etc.).

You must provide the pak files. The free shareware (pak0.pak) as well as registered (pak0.pak + pak1.pak) files must go in a directory called 'id1' inside the folder that|exe resides in.


OS X: Since the DK2 appears as 1080x1920, you'll want to rotate it 90 degrees in System I would suggest making the rift your primary display by dragging the white menu bar in the Arrangement settings to the rift. Then, cleverly find a way to launch the app full screen at 1920 x 1080 with the launcher. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it's not impossible....

Windows: The HMD must be in extended mode and configured as the primary display at the time of launching.

UPDATE: The game originally defaulted to a capped frame rate of 72 fps. To change it, you'll use:
host_maxfps xxx
where 'xxx' is a higher value (as high as you want, if you're interested in keeping vr_vsync disabled). The update is now 240.

There is also joystick/gamepad support. I've tested it with both PS3 and Xbox 360 controllers. The default 'joy_sensitivity' for aiming may be low, so make sure to experiment with different values. I've also added a vr_aimmode 6 which decouples the pitching of the weapon/view. Lastly, vr_deadzone set to 180 will entirely decouple the view + aiming (requested here), but I have no input controllers to test that kind of rig out.

Sounded like a few people were looking forward to this. I apologize I'm only been able to provide OS X binaries thus far, but I hope that folks on the other platforms might be able to help. Please fork on Github and feel free to hit me up with pull requests if any changes are needed.

And here's a couple screenies taken with my DK2 + chromatic at 1080p:

Since QUAKE had such low resolution textures I prefer to disable filtering. It makes the game look more pixellated, but it is is so much sharper looking to my eyes....

gl_texturemode GL_NEAREST

You can multisample with arbitrary multipliers. The screenshots above multisampled at 2x the resolution with the following console command:

vr_multisample 2

You can experiment with different vr_multisample multipliers (fractional, like 1.5 work as well). This allows you to balance sharpness with your frame rate.

Speaking of frame rate, you can also verify that the DK2 is rendering at 75 Hz by enabling the following console commands:

vr_vsync 1
scr_showfps 1

You should see 75 FPS on the heads up display near your weapon. When you're satisfied that you have a stable FPS, disable scr_showfps 0.

So I felt horrible about the majority of you Windows users out there. I buzzed in to Bootcamp, installed Visual Studio 2010 Express, fumbled with project files and line endings and headers and libraries until I could finally make the couple of tweaks necessary to get things to compile and..... just now posted a Windows binary on the Github releases page.

Honored Guest
It's 2am - I've got to sleep. But tomorrow man, tomorrow I am checking this out! Thanks, and thanks for the Windows build. Nice to go to bed having something awesome to look forward to.

Honored Guest
Can you add DK2 support to the darkplaces engine as well ?

"Spielor" wrote:
Can you add DK2 support to the darkplaces engine as well ?

This! Would love to play with darkplaces and the epsilon mod! Perhaps I am getting too greedy though :roll:
No doubt, thoroughly appreciative of adding DK2 support to my favorite Quake of the series. I always felt the atmosphere of this one was so much better than any of the other Quakes. Fingers crossed id goes back to this realm for the next quake! ...whenever that may be.

Honored Guest
Thank you very much for releasing this.

It has a serious bug over here (DK2, 0.4 SDK, etc.):

The command "vr_enabled 1" only works when my DK2 is set to direct "access mode". Then it shows the split image for each eye. However head tracking never works here. If I set my DK2 to "extend desktop" move, then "vr_enabled 1" just returns "failed to initialize" for me.

Thank you again for your time.

Have you stopped the oculus service before trying?
System: i5-3570k / GTX 670 / 8GB / Xonar DGX / Win7 64bit

Honored Guest
"knapman" wrote:
Have you stopped the oculus service before trying?

No. Why should I stop the service? It is started automatically with windows?

Edit: Wow, it works after I killed the service. Could you explain why this is necessary please? (Headtracking is not working however, guess it's not implemented yet?)

"hneuhaus" wrote:
"knapman" wrote:
Have you stopped the oculus service before trying?

No. Why should I stop the service? It is started automatically with windows?

Edit: Wow, it works after I killed the service. Could you explain why this is necessary please? (Headtracking is not working however, guess it's not implemented yet?)

The first post states its using the old sdk, you'll need to stop the service when running software built around the old sdk

If this is something you find yourself doing a lot then you may want to grab this if you don't have it already
System: i5-3570k / GTX 670 / 8GB / Xonar DGX / Win7 64bit