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So you like survival horror??

Heroic Explorer
I have to give a HUGE shout out to the game Dement on Steam.. 

I love games like this, it brings me back to the original feel of playing old school Silent Hill and Resident Evils games. Fist of all, I am NOT affiliated with the game in anyway, I've just been addicted to it since buying it about a month or so ago and want to see it succeed. 

Its in early access by a very small team and costs a whopping 39.99 but its TOTALLY worth it. After a (admitting) rough-around-the-edges beginning, the game TAKES OFF. It has lore, loot, great / varied enemies, and almost PERFECT tension. The price will turn a lot of people off, but its an 8-part game (I believe 4 or 5 parts are out now, the developers are also very active on the Steam forum and Discord). I just stared part 4 and I have over 30-hours into the game. At this rate, it will be a 70+ hour game to beat!

Is anyone on here playing it?? Seems to be a little under the radar as of now but is shaping up to be one of my top 5 VR games EVER.. 

Grand Champion
Early access, $40 and 45GB are scaring me 😉 And I'm not much into VR horror, have to pull myself together to continue in Saints & Sinners sometimes, lol. 

Not sure I'm supporting Dement until it's no longer Early Access, but the game has been on my radar for some time. Don't mind buying to support the devs if the game is really good. 

Recommended system requirement are quite high:

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i7-6700K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 or greater
    • Storage: 45 GB available space

If the game does not support Oculus native drivers that would probably be a no-go for me. So can you start the game from Oculus Home without SteamVR starting up? If SteamVR starts it means goodbye to ASW 2.0 support and then you really need those 90 fps. 

Graphics do look dated - and dark - looks like a game designed for the good old gen1 oled hmds (Rift CV1 and original Vive (Pro)) - I'd be very careful buying such dark games when using lcd hmds:

Only hands and no body look very dated to me also. A problem with VR horror games is that many find them too scary - and Dement looks quite scary - this might limit sales a lot too. 

I agree with some dude on Steam, the game needs a demo. 

Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"

Heroic Explorer
There actually is a demo on steam now! 

As far as using an LCD, the game has a 'rift-s' mode that is supposed to be used for LCD panels to improve the dark locations. Seems to work supprisingly well but I still miss the OLED from my good ol CV1 sometimes! This was the biggest negative for me in TWD S&S! 

As far as being too scary, there are NO jump scares in the entire game. It's just the tension and ambiance naturally created as you explore for loot, survivors, etc.

And I agree, the graphics are a little dated (especially on a flat screen) but once you're playing you are 100% sucked into this world! 

Heroic Explorer
New update was released today (no spoilers but a ton of 'quality of life' updates plus new gameplay for those us of deeper into the game! Not to mention the next chapter is right around the corner! I recommend checking out their discord... The developers respond literally in minutes

This game is close to the longest VR experience I have.. In Death is #1 (I have over 100 hrs in that) and Asgard's Wrath (probably my favorite VR game ever) 

Rising Star

RuneSR2 said:

Early access, $40 and 45GB are scaring me 😉 And I'm not much into VR horror, have to pull myself together to continue in Saints & Sinners sometimes, lol. 

lol - I'm the same, it makes the hairs down my back and on my arms stand up !!
Oculus Rift S - Oculus Quest 128GB
MSI trident 3 7RB-200UK Intel Core i5-7400 3 Ghz x2
MSI GTX 1050 Ti (4GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1060 OC (6GB) & MSI Aero GTX 1070 OC 8GB
16 GB RAM x2, 1TB HDD x2, 1TB SSD x2
Windows 10 Home Edition Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363, Oculus version 17, Quest Version 17
Fan Cooling by Zotac FireStorm - AfterBurner cause me problems.

Heroic Explorer
Yea, I was never a HUGE fan of 2D horror games... but I've always loved the survival horror (such as Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, now add TWD S&S and Dement). 

The gameplay loop is soo addictive IMHO. Games like this where you are hunting for resources in a well made world, under tension, that allow you have have just enough to feel like you can defend yourself  but not enough that you can be reckless or stop checking every corner... LOVE IT! lol

Due to how short TWD S&S was, I actually think Dement, being a very small and EA project, is a BETTER game! S&S is definitely more polished and runs much better, but I just keep coming back to Dement... 

My god just tried the Dement demo, thought I was playing the original Wolfenstien 3d on a DK1.

  •  The scale is awful
  •  The Graphics are from 1990.
  •  Performance : The games stutters like hell despite it having the most basic graphics I have seen in a game for a    number of years.  Made me feel a bit nauseous which is something hard to do to me these days.
  • The sound is horrific, gave me a headache. Even the picking up of an object sounds like a door slamming.
  • Control Scheme : Pick up a weapon. It disappears automatically from your hand and it puts it in backpack (I say backpack its an inventory screen from Ultima 4 with awful flat renditions of the objects). Then you have to open said backpack, try to find the weapon among the other crap and set it (using a monitor like bios menu system) to your primary weapon. All the time creatures from hell are creeping up on you. No doubt there are shortcuts but I lost the will to live as everything had its own 10 commandments tablet on the wall to explain how to do things that take you seconds in S&S.
  • Collision Box and Combat with the enemy and weapons was pretty unsatisfying.
  • Object interaction is crap
  • Movement is awful. Walking is painful, the noise you make, you must be wearing metal deep sea diving boots, no wonder the hell spawn are pissed off with you.

I honestly cannot believe that people could actually implement VR this bad, considering all the great VR control schemes and examples they have today.

What is up with the Tutorial,
  • 2D curtains stuck on a wall? Really? You are opening with that in your demo? 
  • Long loading screens to go into another room ??? Eh why ??? Are you using a 486 and trying to save on your 1 mb memory? There are only 5 rooms?
  • Why are the graphics so damned ugly, it is an affront to my eyes.
They want 40 GBP for this, I wouldnt pay 5.00. 

It may have a great game somewhere in there but god I cannot wade through that mess to find it. Actually I did Wolfenstien 3D and the DK1 a disservice,  its much worse than that.

@RuneSR2 give this a go, would love to see your vivisection of it. lol.

Heroic Explorer
Ouch, lol. Like I said originally, the beginning is "a little rough" and you have to stick it out (not sure how deap the demo goes though). It made by a team of two people who are still working on it and will respond usually in minutes on discord or the steam forum.

This review says a lot of the negative things you did, but they guy says he keeps coming back to it and can't stop playing because of how good it actually it under the problems. This is EXACTLY how it feel. I have 37 hrs played on steam and it's probably my top 5 VR game of all time. It just has that special something under the indie graphics.

Honored Visionary
Why is there no jump scares in it? Won't it be a bit boring just wandering around knowing there's are no jump scares? Price is too high for me, I might look at it if it's ever on sale and the game is complete.


JeremyC85 said:

Ouch, lol. Like I said originally, the beginning is "a little rough" and you have to stick it out (not sure how deap the demo goes though). It made by a team of two people who are still working on it and will respond usually in minutes on discord or the steam forum. 

This review says a lot of the negative things you did, but they guy says he keeps coming back to it and can't stop playing because of how good it actually it under the problems. This is EXACTLY how it feel. I have 37 hrs played on steam and it's probably my top 5 VR game of all time. It just has that special something under the indie graphics.

Well I can say you have good taste in Books Jeremy (I am on The First Law now and enjoying it) 🙂 so I don't doubt there is a good game in there somewhere but boy Dement is ugly.