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Hi there! I am Vladimir Romanyuk aka "SpaceEngineer", here my project called SpaceEngine. It is a 3D space simulator with procedural Universe generation. It features real-scale planets with 3D landscape, physically based generation of solar systems, real-scale generation of galaxies and entire Universe structure. All transitions are seamless, you can land on any planet and explore it, then take off and fly to another galaxy. Known astronomical objects are also here, including ultra-high resolution textures for Solar system planets and moons (20+ gigs, available as separate download).

This engine is in a form of a free space exploration planetarium, but I am going to make a game based on it. It will feature realistic physics and exploration based gameplay. More info on the forum (look for a sticky threads). Space ships are already implemented, with basic physics and controls.

Website and forum:

Main program: download (960 Mb)
Hi-res Solar system textues: coming soon


This version should work with Oculus Rift DK1. I have only DK1, but I tried to make DK2 support by feedback from beta testers. Here is a relatively old dev video for DK1 (warning it may make you sick iw watch in Rift):

To run in Oculus, first switch it to the extended desktop mode. Then run SpaceEngine, fly there a bit using monitor 🙂 Learn controls, they are easy: WASD + left mouse drag mouse to move, mouse wheel changes speed, click to select object, G key to fly to it (double G for faster flight), and F2 key to bring up the planets list (left and right mouse click to navigate). Advanced controls including speedup and reverse the time flow: JKL and Space keys. You always can use a toolbars, but in Oculus you probably will close them. After this, configure a joystick. Needed actions are move, rotare and chage the speed (very important!).

Then go to Display settings menu (Ctrl-F8) and choose Oculus Rift mode. Moving the window to the Rift is easy: just hit Shift-Enter. Don't forget to toggle fullscreen (Alt-Enter). To move the window back, hit Shift-Enter again. Note that mouse cursor must be in the window to allow rotation and GUI navigation.

If SE crashes on attempt to enable Oculus mode. So you are have AMD graphics card, aren't you? Try to disable mipmaps generation for the framebuffer texture. Open the config/user.cfg and change these parameters to false:
EnableMipmapsGUI false
EnableMipmapsFrame false
EnableMipmapsWarp false
The last parameter could fix crashes on approaching black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs. Disabling mipmaps reduces quality, but at least fixes crashes.
PS: does anybody know how to implement a CRASH FREE manual shader-based mipmaps generation on ATI on OpenGL? I had a problems with it since the beginning.

There a lot of things what should be done for perfect support of the Rift. The main task is obtaining a DK2, but this is hard because I live in Russia - the country where Oculus did not ship their devices. Other issues are bad tracking latency and lack of direct mode support. I using OpenGL in SpaceEngine and can't make it work in direct mode. Lack of good OpenGL example code is also an issue. Also this release was built with 0.4.3 SDK, because I has weird glitches with the 0.4.4. Interface should be completely reworked to use in Rift, this probably will be made in the next version.

But anyway experience in Rift is just amazing. I hope a nice feedback from this community. Enjoy!
115 REPLIES 115

Grand Champion
Great work.

For the YouTube tag, use just the video code (the part after the &v=).
AMD Ryzen 7 1800X | MSI X370 Titanium | G.Skill 16GB DDR4 3200 | EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 | Corsair Hydro H110i Gigabyte RX Vega 64 x2 | Samsung 960 Evo M.2 500GB | Seagate FireCuda SSHD 2TB | Phanteks ENTHOO EVOLV

Not applicable
cybereality is there any way to get this guy a dk2, there comes a point when some one deserves an olive branch.

I read about this guy, he has a huge loyal following and look at his product ffs, if this kind of guy cant get a dk2 then whats the point of any one doing vr in life.

Vladimir are you saying you have tired all means at your disposal to get a dk2 and you are completely unable to get one?

I read it was possible to get a dk2 through a vendor that special Oculus partnered with?

All jokes aside this is a pretty bad sate of affairs when guys like this guy who are basically on totally the right wave length are punished by regional local.

can some one from Oculus post what is the current global status regarding shipping.

Vladimir what about taking a flight to a region that supports inbound delivery and confirm ahead of time that customs would not be an issue between that country and Russia?

Sorry to keep going on about it, but just a small part of me here is quite upset this guy cant dev, he is defiantly worthy to have a dk2, he should be being paid sponsored and backed to push forward vr never mind about him posting here saying he cant get a dk2, this is disgusting.

Has any one actually composed a list of regions not deliverable by Oculus and then matched that with products which would be liked to be dev'ed

Did the guy that make city car driver ever manage to get a dk2? he was from Russia as well.

Vladimir please make sure continue what you are doing for Space Engine, I really hope some one at Oculus reviews your work and then get some thing arranged.

Not applicable
we cant look back in 3 or 4 years and remember that this space engine guy did not get any support from the community and was left out in the cold and had no support to get a dk2.

Its no good the guy getting a CV1 in 15 months or what ever.

cybereality can you ask around the office there what is required that this guy gets a dk2, does he need to ship it to another region then go to that region, what route can he take if any at all.

Look at this product and were it could be in 3 years, its a 30 to 100million dollar vr application ffs.

this guy is not just some standard dev, he is hugely impressive and worthy of respect,

Vladimir set up some kind of donation page for your flight to pick up a dk2 or some thing, there are many people that will donate.

Wish this guy lived in the US, Oculus would be all over him.

Honored Guest
If this had headtracking...holy cow..even now its impressive, keep up the good work

"bud01" wrote:
Vladimir what about taking a flight to a region that supports inbound delivery and confirm ahead of time that customs would not be an issue between that country and Russia?

I have got DK1 in this way. I come to Finland, and take it from a guy who has ordered it to himself. Finland is really close to my sity (Saint-Petersburg), going there for one-day trip in the bus is something around $50. I just needed to renew my visa (another $50).

Not applicable
Is there any one else here that wants to support this guy getting a Dk2?

I am down for donating to him 75$ but id like to see some one else also donate and if some one from Oculus could make any care towards the guys order.

Please if we all see some dev making some magic happen support them, that's the whole point its not just about money its about doing things right by VR to the best of your ability.

Vladimir I see you have a donate page, I am going to send 75$ now please hold this back towards the Dk2 and these aspects you are mentioning.

hugely disappointed with the community that dec 2014 im still reading this guy does not have a flipping dk2,... whose job is it at Oculus to scot for promising apps/games and provide some level of support.

Vladimir please keep us updated how you get on and great work on your space engine its a real highlight of my day I get to help you, thanks for taking the time out from your day for posting here its very much appreciated. You have a great and warm day there.

Confirmation Number: 42G65505W0202173A Placed on 27 Dec 2014
Purpose Donation amount
Support SpaceEngine $75.00 USD

Total Amount: $75.00 USD

already done long time ago.

it's been released the version with the oculus support.
I have tryied but doesn't work.

Yeah, tried it too, doesn't work. Got it to load up on the monitor, won't accept oculus output. Hope it's fixed soon!
I7-4790K - GTX980ti - 32GB - PB287Q - G502 - A50 - GAMEZ4RO - G19s - E17k - Xonar7.1 - Xenyx502 - AT2050 - H105 - T300RS - XBox1Elite - X55- 4K/DK2/CV1/VIVE

Thank you bud01, received. I'll look into a ways of going to Finland soon.