Jump into your own personal tavern that’s stocked to the rafters with all the miniatures, dungeon tiles, scenery, and set pieces you could ever want. Take a break from the story over a round of ale, or have mug stacking competition. Use a range of tools that make building and maintaining your world take minutes, not hours, and most importantly - get lost in your very own fantasy world.
Come together, role dice, slay goblins, and tell stories that live and breath like you do.

Hail and well met, traveler. My name is Mitch, and for the last few months, I’ve been working on a VR app called Tavern Tales: Tabletop Adventures.
I’ve been playing DnD for about 5 years, but only recently stepped foot into the realm of VR, but from the moment I did, I couldn’t help but think that this is how I wanted to play Tabletop Games.
I’ve tried out all sorts of virtual tabletop websites and apps, trying to find something that comes close to the experience you get sitting down with your friends and playing together in one room. However, nothing I found could really ever capture that magic. I have friends and family who I used to get together with to roll dice, slay goblins, and get into all sorts of hijinx. But as we grew up it got harder and harder to get everyone together in one place.
That’s why one of the first things I did when I bought my Oculus Quest, was to look and see what was out there to play tabletop RPGs in VR.
I was shocked to find that there really wasn’t anything at all that focused on that. It was always a side-thought for anything on PC VR, and not available at all for untethered VR.

So that’s where Tavern Tales: Tabletop Adventures comes in.
If there wasn’t one, then I was going to make one. So I’ve been spending my nights and weekends working on something that can bring friends together again. Something that enables you to create fantastical landscapes for your players to navigate.

Something that gives you a TON of models and miniatures at your disposal without costing a small fortune.

This, more than anything, is a passion project for me. I think that DnD (And the many, many other games that were inspired by it) should have an accessible way to enjoy them online with your friends in a way that doesn’t take away from the experience.
There’s still so many awesome features I want to add into this, but my goal is to release this initially on the Oculus Quest in Spring 2020, and move from there to PC VR headsets.
I’m excited to see my little project grow into something incredible, and I hope you’ll join me along the way.