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Terrible product


After spending some time with support I can honestly say this is a joke.  I have yet since purchase to find one working product in the occulus store.  The only things the agents know how to do is tell you to restart, reinstall over and over.  To be honest I consider this entire system a scam and would never do business with them again.  To make it worse I have seen that their own employees will chime in on post saying they’ve never experience any problems whatsoever.  Like no one can read the tags on them it’s truly amazing.  I have seen posts on here sitting for months without a reply from support. Probably because they’re too busy trying to make people think they’re active users with no problems.  The only use I have gotten out of this system was from 3rd party software they quickly tell you they don’t recommend.  Not even sure how this company is in business but I guess paying for reviews and people to lie on your forums is a better option then actually providing a decent product and service.  So unless you’re willing to spend your days constantly dealing with the multitude of problems and waiting for the community to find work arounds then spend your money else where as this isn’t worth your time unboxing.  I am sure this will be taken down but hopefully if anyone in the fence sees this they will think twice before purchasing or refund their system rather than deal with what is laughingly called support.


Yet your first reply to me was respectful? So let’s get the story straight since you want to act the saint or like you could win a fight you started with a community member.  Several days ago I bought two meta quest 2’s.  I was not the first one to talk to your live support, however my friend setting up theirs first did.  They were met with the same thing I was, your live support answering with some off the wall comment and then not replying again sometimes for 15 minutes plus.  All together I can see there is over 4 hours of speaking to chat support.  During this time the only remedy or troubleshooting offered was to restart/reinstall.  This went on through 5 agents with one conversation lasting 49 minutes with only. 2 replies from your support and one as the greeting. This occurred until my friend told me they no longer wanted the Meta they were gifted as it was too much of a headache.  They also reported the same issues tracking being off, items not downloading, etc.  Now fast forward several hours and I have the same experience where the individual kept ghosting the chat and then coming back much later to reply with some off the wall nonsense.  My favorite was that for tracking issues and me asking for someplace to find certain information about the meta quest 2 I was repeatedly given a link to the health and safety manual. Then said agent wanted to argue that I couldn’t read what I was given a link for.  It was obvious this person was not even attempting to do their job and repeatedly lied to me.  So what they received from me was very mild.  Now notice this moderator calling me out with kindness lol, forgot to mention anywhere about the technical issues I had that we’re completely ignored instead try’s to pass it off as I was only having steam vr issues.   So yes after having multiple people attempt to use your support with only ever being told restart/reinstall customers tend to get upset.  In your own live chat your support I was repeatedly asked for time to study the problem which every time I said okay and every time they came back with restart/reinstall and in fact told me they had used all means of support by instructing those 2 things and directed me to a :3rd party site for assistance.  Now you can justify your smart mouth all you want but in the end there are tons of stories that match my experience about support and now the entire community gets to see you doing the same.  Oh and the whole belittling thing works both ways, maybe you heard respect is earned and your company chose to not only be disrespectful to me but my also to my friend.  So please go ahead and try to um out me but make sure you bring all the facts not just the ones that benefit you.  


That laptop setup for a quest 2 is absolutely abysmal.  Laptops just suck for VR period.  Now for truth bomb, if you think any other headset is better or more worth it then the quest 2, I emplore you to show up or shut up.  A 400 dollar 120hz, up to 2k per eye all enclosed system with out base stations and complex hook ups.  The problem with bad user's on this forum is that they really don't understand how VR works or what is actually required for it to work well.  The quest 2 is still the most widely used headset on the steam platform, making about 40% of the users of VR.  Steam beaded index not even in the top 5.  Realistically the core quest 2 architecture is still in full functioning order.  Pcvr is still functioning though some people are having issues.  But I have a suspicion that the users that are affected are those with borderline potato computers for VR.  I have a 3080ti i9-10850k 32 gig PC and have little issues.  The oculus team is rather small for the 20 to 30 million headset out there.  Honestly with the tone of the users on here and seeing the poorly formed threads, it's no wonder that issues are not resolved or staff doesn't respond.

A wall of middle finger emoji is so childish.

With all due respect, it does not feel appropriate for a support representative to enter a thread to publically "bite back".

Even if the customer was in the wrong. It's not making the customer look bad.

It's making the company look bad.

Doubly so because publically mentioning something that happened in private support channel could be seen as a breach of customer's privacy.


Retired Support

Thanks I'll take this into consideration. 


Nice signature btw 😂

You are expected to remain patient with frustrated consumers. No one calls support to say great job. They call support for support. We don't expect you to provide cover for problems nor respond as unprofessionally as you have here. There is a list of complaints many are experiencing since Meta has released recent software updates. Updates we don't have the option to roll back. Link has a 50/50 chance of connecting and a 50/50 chance of disconnecting. The software can't seem to remember guardian settings. The software knows we are connected via USB yet we have to select Link adding unnecessary steps. We realize you can't fix the problems as you are not one of the developers, but we aren't convinced the complaints are making it to the developers, or that Meta has any intent to resolve the issues. 


TLDR; Leave your attitude offline and actually state what you need assistance with and people will be happy to help. The only problem so far is you.

Retired Support

Wow. Just… wow. Let me start with saying that the moderation team is here to help everyone and foster a community of helpfulness, even when things get tough. The behavior here was far from what we expect and strive for out of our moderators. It’s been addressed.

We’re investigating Graevon’s interactions with our support team as well so that they can make improvements for the future.

We’re not going to delete this thread, remove any comments (aside from the two spam comments that came in yesterday), or make any edits at this time. This is definitely a good reminder for our team that we need to do better, and for the whole community that we all need to treat everyone with respect and kindness equally.

There are some very real issues impacting the community that @Fusedspine33 highlighted which our engineers are working on. Our community team works with the engineering team to quickly share your feedback and highlight issues you’re seeing.

We're glad to have such an engaged and passionate community, and we're committed to making this community a positive and helpful space for everyone. If any of you have any concerns, don't hesitate to reach out.

Help others find great discussions and answers by adding kudos and marking solutions to your questions.

That laptop setup for Quest 2 is absolutely abysmal

Agreed. But it worked and worked better 2 years ago than my current 3080 desktop setup.

It goes to show just how much the firmware regressed. And hence that is exactly my point: the Quest 2 firmware has been getting worse with every update.

> Laptops just suck for VR period.

Not true. It depends on many factors. Depends on the type of GPU, CPU, and Wi-Fi card in a laptop as well as the game and its graphics settings.

> Now for truth bomb, if you think any other headset is better or more worth it then the quest 2, I emplore you to show up or shut up.

Comparing it to other systems is irrelevant in this forum, although if I were a business I would take it as an invaluable customer feedback.

In our case, we're comparing Quest 2 to itself as it was 2 years ago. The firmware was significantly better. Hence my point is: it's becoming worse over time, with every update.

John Carmack had warned us about this. He even explained why:

I am not surprised either. If what he's saying is true, it seems that the engineering executives who've done web and desktop their whole careers took over the Quest 2 architecture and are applying the web microservice approach. While it works in high-scale web backends,  it's completely inappropriate for a battery-powered mobile gaming system where every CPU cycle is precious.


The Oculus team is rather small for the 20 to 30 million headsets out there. 

Good. Small software teams can often do a lot better than bloated teams.


> Pcvr is still functioning though some people are having issues.  But I have a suspicion that the users that are affected are those with borderline potato computers for VR.


The fact is that issues such as artifacts and stutter started happening after a firmware update. Recording the screen does not record the artifacts, which indicates that the problem is likely somewhere in the device's rendering path.


I really hope that they will be able to fix it. Although it's going to be likely hard.


A complex working system is known to have evolved from a simple working system. A complex non-working system can never be made to work. You have to start over from a simple working system.