12-20-2016 07:01 PM
12-21-2016 08:11 AM
12-21-2016 08:31 AM
Mellzor said:
I'll say it again.
Touch is NOTHING like the controller.
With touch you move the world around you.
It kinda feels like the world is a balloon you can stick to your belly and push it down.
Touch takes away ALL the immersion.
You don't get motion sick, because you dont move.
I can't believe no-one is mentioning the weird ass feeling with Touch + the Climb.
Anyhow; motion sickness - Will be there if you use controller, and game will be the best and most immersive playing this way.
With touch there is no motion and all sense of movement, height en size are gone.
so sad panda :'(
12-21-2016 12:56 PM
12-21-2016 01:30 PM
12-21-2016 11:37 PM