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The Elevator Ritual User Reviews

Honored Visionary
Please post your rating of The Elevator Ritual taking into consideration fun factor, value for money, overall polish and using the following criteria if you have purchased/played the game:

5 Stars - Awesome Must Buy
4 Stars - Very Good Not essential.
3 Stars - Average 
2 Stars - Below Average
1 Star  - Poor/ Avoid

System Specs: MSI NVIDIA RTX 4090 , i5 13700K CPU, 32GB DDR 4 RAM, Win 11 64 Bit OS.

Very well done! Great atmosphere, great use of a more obscure legend to scare, and fantastic voice work! Scared me to death in the best way possible! Wish there was a way to win though!

Rising Star
Was pretty good, got me a tad nervous I must admit.....and then it locked up. Just sat in the elevator with music and nothing happened.
Ive read another thread there are a few bugs.... so 4

Once ironed out it'll make a pretty solid Scary title to show your VR newbie friends

Drift VFX Visual, Virtual , Vertical Want 970GTX on Macbook for good FPS?

Heroic Explorer
I thought The Elevator Ritual was a great, unique idea and was a great experience, although it is rather short and, unless I am missing something, there is no way to win. I love stories about rituals and all that so this title was right up my alley, and it was fun being scared while you have to wait for the elevator and are feeling rather helpless haha. I am definitely hoping to see more like this though, and would have given it a 5/5 if it was not for the length and inability to actually beat the thing.

I have a big black arrow in front of my view all the time. Is this a bug of some sort? I cant see the scary stuff in front of me. I understand the arrow can appear if i have to go in a certain direction, but its there constantly

Rising Star

Erik1979 said:

I have a big black arrow in front of my view all the time. Is this a bug of some sort? I cant see the scary stuff in front of me. I understand the arrow can appear if i have to go in a certain direction, but its there constantly

Have you tried a headset orientation reset, in case it freaked out when the game started. Unity can do that sometimes.

A reset usually fixes it.

Drift VFX Visual, Virtual , Vertical Want 970GTX on Macbook for good FPS?

I really liked this.  It has a lot of potential and uses the VR well.


Erik1979 said:

I have a big black arrow in front of my view all the time. Is this a bug of some sort? I cant see the scary stuff in front of me. I understand the arrow can appear if i have to go in a certain direction, but its there constantly

I had this as well.  Sitting down then resetting the view so that you appear standing in the game worked for me. Have to stay seated though.

Thanks for the answers. I might come off stupid now, but how do i do the orientation/view reset? Just got the set.

Heroic Explorer
@Erik1979 While in a game or app you can push either the Xbox Home button or the bottom button on the Oculus Remote. This will take you to a menu with some options such as resuming your activity, checking your notifications, seeing which of your friends are online, etc. Anyways, the one you want is on the right side and has a diagonal arrow for an icon. You click on this and then face wherever you want it to reset and click the A or Select button once good. Then you can just go back to your activity and everything should be all set.