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The high-end Myst PCVR version: Reviews and impressions

Grand Champion

This is just a copy of a post I made in another thread, but few read such replies, and this game deserves more attention. I consider this one of the major PCVR releases this year. Seems other Index owners agree - my post about the game has been upvoted nearly 500 times on the Index SubReddit:


Thus it seems other high-end VR enthusiast agrees that Myst PCVR is a major release.  But to repeat:


The high-end Myst VR version arrives next week. More info here:


New trailer:



The game is 20GB and the recommended gpu is a GTX 1070. Sounds like the real deal to me! 


Seems even ray-tracing is supported, and the game is now more than twice the size of the low-end Quest version:


"Built from the ground up to play both in VR as well as traditional flatscreen displays, Myst is teeming with new art, new sound, re-imagined interactions, and even optional puzzle randomization. Finally... the highly anticipated Myst 2D/VR experience has arrived! [...]

- A large number of graphics options to choose from, such as supersampling options and Ray Tracing to bring the best Myst experience out of the hardware you have."


Looks like we're getting the full 2D version in VR, which may indicate we're getting the full polygon levels and more! Hopefully we can now truly experience Myst for the very first time. We'll see. 








Btw, for Quest owners already having bought the low-end standalone Myst version, the high-end PCVR version will be free in the Oculus Store (=cross-buy). 

Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"


Grand Champion

BabelTechReviews investigated Myst performance in VR using 9 different video cards (up to 3080 Ti):


Not sure I like their review-style, but investigations like these are few. Also I'm using res 450% in Myst with DLSS Performance in 45 fps with motion smoothing, and it looks beyond amazing - BabelTechReviews seems only to investigate much lower res making it of less interest to me. With the new high-end video card you really need to push the boundaries outside what you'd normally do or consider safe - and you might be positively surprised by the  results. 

Yesterday I revive Beat Saber - using 144 fps - res 400% 😮 - and 4xMSAA - and got solid 144 fps. Not sure the game is ever going to be looking much better. Normally I would just have settled for res 200%, but pushing the boundaries does give some surprising results - and an image quality you could only dream of a few years ago.  

Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"

Grand Champion

Myst VR just got a gigantic 8GB patch:


Hey all, Myst version 1.8.3 is here!

  • (VR only) input from HP Reverb is now supported in Myst.
  • You can now access the photo album from the main menu, not just from the in-game menu.
  • Myst is now running on Unreal 4.27, which comes with various rendering and performance improvements.
  • 17% decrease in game size on disk.

  • Fix for some crashes that would sometimes occur when using Oculus Quest controllers through the Play in SteamVR option.
  • Fix for the speedy achievement not firing off when it should.
  • Fix for parts of Myst Island being hidden or made visible unintentionally when running into particular areas/walls.
  • Fix for the player getting “snagged” on collision when walking around some corners, especially in VR.
  • If you press the ‘P’ key (shortcut key for photo album) and you don’t have any photos to view, we’ll let you know that you don’t have any photos to view before you see an empty photo album.
  • Fix for the door levers in Stoneship sometimes being unliftable in VR.
  • The generator in Stoneship is now prevented from accumulating in negative amounts, which now prevents players in VR from thinking the generator is broken if spun the wrong way.
  • Fix for the pointing gesture not working when launching the game from SteamVR Home.
  • Fix for the mazerunner glass windows not rendering on low & medium effects settings.
  • (SPOILER) The white page will now no longer appear from a marker switch on very random occasions that you flip the switch up.
  • (SPOILER) The fireplace book will no longer flip to the correct page one Brothers’ speech too early.
  • (SPOILER) Fix for the fireplace sometimes spamming a loud sound when you open it, leave the library, and return to the fireplace.

Some more notes:
  • Setting SteamVR HMD to run at any refresh rate above 90Hz causes the menu to sometimes disappear in game. The workaround for this for now is to set your SteamVR HMD to 90Hz or lower refresh rate when playing Myst. If you are still encountering the issue, please ensure your graphics drivers are up to date, delete your GameUserSettings.ini file in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Myst\Saved\Config, and attempt to validate game files to see if that helps.
  • There was a legitimate issue with the Speedy achievement that we did solve, and in the process of fixing that, we verified that the Bob achievement has worked (and continues to work) as it should. If you are having trouble attempting to achieve the Bob achievement on Windows (achievements are not yet supported on Mac), spoilers ahead: Please verify you have rotated the island in Mechanical enough to see the skeleton when engaging with the spyglass in Sirrus’ throne room.
  • There is not currently a diagram for Reverb controllers, but you can use the Oculus controller diagram as reference in the meantime.
  • Although our support for WMR is only in the form of Reverb controllers at this time, we’d love to hear from folks who have other WMR devices if Myst is now more playable on their device.

Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"